HullWebs Glass Slide Collection

Historical Images Album
mostly from the late 1940s - to early 1960s

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1.    2.    3.
We have a girl's cricket team, three Land Army lasses,
and St John's Nursing Cadets in June 1946.
The location of all three is a mystery, though your web manager
suspects 'over Beverley way.'

Now what do you all make of this one.
Land Army Girls ?
Who and where? Beverley way ... 1948? Perhaps.

THESE ARE MASSIVE PHOTOS ; much larger than we usually post,
even bigger than your screen -- so scroll around, use F11 etc.
They are group outings to Sledmere, around 1950, give or take two or three years.
The label to this first slide says 70117 "Russell 65 Wakefield Ave Sutton Rd Est Hull".
We're sure this refers to Sutton Trust Estate, and
a Mr Russell who commissioned the photo. Will his family recognise this?

The trip is an Ex-Servicemen's Club, based where, we don't know. We have a great many such group photos at Sledmere, from pubs, clubs and groups all over Hull and further afield. Some are from Leeds, York and Darlington. It would seem the photographer/s set up on nice Sundays at Sledmere, a bit like photographers at the seaside, offering bus parties a photo, one of which gave his name as a contact.

It could be there were several of each photo, folks on each bus trip able to pay their money and order a copy instantly. The organiser would have collected the funds, and distributed the photos when they arrived in the post. This is one of the largest photos, at nearly a full megabyte (1Mb) we've ever uploaded, so you can clearly see every face.  The actual photo itself, if you want one, is 5mb and superb quality.

If you lived or grew up down Wakefield Ave some 70 years ago, could some of these folk be your remembered neighbours, or even relatives? Look at their joy, their laughter. Remember the times this was taken; just a few years after the end of the war. Rationing was just ending, still in force for sweets until 1954. There are just three young children on here, at a guess, maybe around mid-70s now. Many of those older guys were veterans of the First War, the younger ones just demobbed after the Second. Times were just starting to get better, but many families were still struggling, always struggled. This rare day out on an even rarer coach trip was a summer highlight to counter hard work and a hard life. Apart from servicemen, most folks had never been abroad. Look at the lasses; the fashions, the hairdos. But above all, look at the joy. Pure delight!!

The trip was by EYMS, and at least two, possibly three, drivers are visible right at the top and back of the group. Seems like a good three coachloads there to me. I'd love to know that the photographer said to them as he took their picture, what joke, what wisecrack. Every photo in the several dozen group pics at Sledmere are just like this, every one, has the group already 2 seconds into bursting, ribald laughter at some crack just as the camera shutter was pressed. Joy and laughter pours out of each photo like a wave, and the closer you look, the more joy there is. A skilled cameraman, whoever it was.



THE SECOND GROUP SLIDE; again, to Sledmere - may be EYMS?
This one has a filename that suggest it was an EYMS organised staff trip, so perhaps platform staff, office, engineering, depot staff, we don't know. Organised by a Mr Ri*ald* .. where the stars are unreadable letters on the original. Two bus loads, hence two uniformed drivers. Only one child is visible, so maybe around their 70s now. I would imagine, like the other slide above, none of the adults are still with us and some perhaps long gone by now. Does anyone have any clues to 'who and when?'

Your web manager was with EYMS from July 1973, and some of these folks may well have still been there. The ladies could be wives of staff, or office workers, conductresses, etc. Mr Ri*ald* organised the photos, if not the full bus trip. It could well turn out this photo is much later than the early 1950s, maybe 10 years or more later. What say all of you?

These glass slides have cropped up in a huge collection (500+?) donated to us some years ago now, perhaps mostly of Beverley or East Yorkshire interest. The few that mention Hull are Sledmere outings like this, mostly clubs and pubs all around Hull. The collection as a whole is a mystery, and we're slowly working through them.


Organised by a Mr Marret of Walker St. A huge group, over 80 folks here I think, a good two bus loads, maybe three. Includes some kiddies. Three of the guys seated at the front may be club stewards, with badges. It could be it was a Mr Marret who organised the photos, collected the payments and distributed the prints when they came, and not the actual trip organiser.

Eureka Club, Hawthorn Avenue. Two big days out! Perhaps five, maybe six, bus drivers at the back or front. Another joyful crowd, lots of laughter all round. I bet they were fun on the way back!

A few grandads and uncles to discover for FH on here!

The label says the possible name of the organiser, a Mr Foster. Again, 1950s, similar time, a lovely cheerful group as they all are, and this time, some mothers and grandmas too. As with the earlier image, it can be seen every Friday at Sutton, here ... inside the Old School.


Holderness Rd - Pic 1

Surely there are some descendants of these fine men and women on this bus trip to Sledmere. 

As with the others, best guess is 1950s, or even late 40s.  A famous local pub, this one, and almost within the old Sutton parish.

 Those children must surely be well into their 70s themselves by now.

carmichael-187-preston-rd-70206.jpg Here we have what may well be just an extended family, on their own bus trip. Organised by a 'Mr Carmichael' of Preston Rd, they certainly appear to be a joyous group, with quite a few young folk with them too. There's a babe-in-arms and the wee lass at the front is obviously very proud of her stylish handbag. If this is mid-to-late 50s, the youngest will be late-60s now, surely someone recognises their parents or aunts and uncles.  There seems to be just about enough folks here to fill a standard 36-seater coach, which may well be the one in the background.


Holderness Rd - Pic 2

Another photo from
The Crown.  All men, and by the look of them, mostly ex-forces, and I shouldn't wonder, several WW1 veterans too. 

Given that pub was so central to East Hull, I wonder if some of these men lived in Sutton village.  A fine body of men, whoever they were.

The other places mentioned in the collection are listed below. If anyone from those towns, who 'own that history', do let us know. We'll arrange for you to have a good quality original copy ... though by email only of course, no prints. The ones shown on here, and at HULL: GOOD OLD DAYS Facebook page, are only 50% their real size. By and large, every face is clearly identifiable to 'those who know', and I remove camera dust and spots if any should impair a face. Nothing worse than a white spot on your favourite aunt's nose.

1. . . . Mr Green "Harrogate Club" Slaters Lane Darlington 70077

2. . . . Mr Kneeshaw East Gate House Newbald York 70078

3 . . . Evans Malton 70093

4. . . . Heslop Malvern Drive Acklam Middlesbro

5. . . . Mr Boswell Parliment St Welton 70104

6 . . . Mrs Smith Chapel St Nunnington York 70115

7. . . . Pinder "Wherry House" Grove Lane Headingly Leeds 70116

8. . . . Mr Russel "Black Bull Hotel" Otley 70193

9. . . . Mr Smith " Westgarth Club" Middlesbro 70194 x3 pics here!

10. . . Mr Clough "West Bowling Cycling Club" Boynton Street Bradford 70198

11. . . Mr Burton "Barleycorn Inn" Scholes Leeds 70201

12. . . Mr Harrison "Vane Arms" Thorpe Thewles Durham 70203

13. . . Mr Rowlands "Kings Head" Gainsborough 70210

Additionally, there are several where the name or place are not clear in the filename, lots of dashes and spaces. Also Elliot of Singer Sewing Machine Co ... is that in Hull, or somewhere else. There's some more local ones too, Hedon, Walkington, Welton, Beverley.
Please, don't all write at once, I can't cope!

But why anyone from those towns would accidentally latch on to our website in Sutton, I don't know. For instance, the Land Army lasses would have been drafted in from all over the country, but you never know, someone may recognise an old friend. But if local folk recognise relatives and old friends and neighbours, and would like to tip them the wink, that would be great.

At any event, there is surely some undiscovered Family History within this little collection.

It is going to be fascinating to see how this little exercise pans out. 

As of mid-July 2023, so far, not much luck.