being a full list of all 303 305 surnames of Sutton families,
their visitors and servants, at the time of the 1911 Census,
four years before the start of the Great War in 1914.

(two omissions have been added in Aug 2024)

These names are transcribed from the hard-copy census sheets we hold in the museum.
Regular visitors to the National Archives site will know that the 'automatic transcription' programme they use still leaves a lot to be desired, and some names take some working out.

Whilst a good deal of the handwriting is beautiful, even almost artistic, deciphering the loose scrawl of some householders can be problematic. This was the first census where the sheets were filled in by the 'head of the house', in their own handwriting, and signed by them also as a true record of all who spent the night in that dwelling.  If your surname is here, someone was in Sutton on that night, albeit might not be a direct relative.  But, it's family history, so always worth a look.

All the Census sheets for Sutton village in 1911 can be viewed in the museum on Fridays.

Abbott  ~  Abbs  ~  Adamson  ~  Allin  ~  Allwood  ~  Alston  
Anderson  ~  Arksey  ~  Arnold  ~  Atkinson  ~  Bailey  ~  Baker  
Banks  ~  Barker  ~  Barnard  ~  Barnes  ~  Basford  ~  Bashford  
Bass  ~  Bassit  ~  Bateson  ~  Bayston  ~  Bean  ~  Beaumont  
Beckett  ~  Bennington  ~  Bertram  ~  Bingham  ~  Birch  ~  Bitton
Bladon  ~  Blakeborough  ~  Blenkinsop  ~  Blyth  ~  Borrill  ~  Borrow
Bradley  ~  Brennan  ~  Brooks  ~  Brown  ~  Broxham  ~  Buchanan
Buck  ~  Buker  ~  Buller  ~  Burton  ~  Butler  ~  Button  
Calcutt  ~  Calvert  ~  Carrick  ~  Catterick  ~  Cawkwell  ~  Chapman
Clark  ~  Clixby  ~  Close  ~  Clubley  ~  Coates  ~  Coats  ~  Cockin
Coleman  ~  Colls  ~  Cook  ~  Cooper  ~  Coupland  ~  Cross
Cummins  ~  Dale  ~  Danby  ~  Darby  ~  Davey  ~  Davis
de Long  ~  Dearing  ~  Dennis  ~  Denton  ~  Dickinson  ~  Dobson
Duffil  ~  Duffill  ~  Dundersdale  ~  Easingwood  ~  East  ~  Ellerton
Ellis  ~  Escreet  ~  Fargus  ~  Farnaby  ~  Feeney  ~  Fell
Fenton  ~  Fewster  ~  Forfitt  ~  Forshaw  ~  Foster  ~  Freeborough
Fussey  ~  Gelder  ~  Gillespie  ~  Glasby  ~  Glenton  ~  Glossop
Glover  ~  Good  ~  Goodwin  ~  Grant  ~  Grassby  ~  Gray
Green  ~  Gregory  ~  Griffen  ~  Haagenson  ~  Hackett  ~  Hakeney
Hall  ~  Hardbattle  ~  Harding  ~  Hare  ~  Harland  ~  Harrison
Hart  ~  Hartley  ~  Hawksworth  ~  Hayton  ~  Helsey  ~  Henderson
Heron  ~  Hewett  ~  Hewitt  ~  Hewson  ~  Hickey  ~  Hicks  
Hill  ~  Hilton  ~  Hodge  ~ Hodgson  ~  Hoggard  ~  Hopkinson
Hopper  ~  Hornby  ~  Houfe  ~  Houghton  ~  Hunter  
Hurtley  ~  Hutchinson  ~  Ireland  ~  Jackson  ~  Johnson  ~  Keith
Kemp  ~  Kennington  ~  Keyworth  ~  Kilvington  ~  Kirby  ~  Kirk
Kirkby  ~  Kitching  ~  Lancaster  ~  Land  ~  Lawson  ~  Lazenby
Lee-Smith  ~  Leonard  ~  Linwood  ~  Locke  ~  Lorrimer  ~  Lowe  
Lumner  ~  Lunge  ~  Lusher  ~  Marritt  ~ Marsden ~  Marsters ~  Mason
Mawbray  ~  May  ~  Mayfield   ~  Mead  ~  Medforth  ~  Middleton
Moat  ~  Moody  ~  Moore ~ Morley  ~  Morton  ~  Mowforth  
Muir  ~  Myers  ~  Nettleton  ~  Noble  ~  Northgraves  ~  Oldfield
Osgerby  ~  Owst  ~  Padley  ~  Parkinson  ~  Parrish  ~  Parrot
Pearson  ~  Peck  ~  Pentith  ~  Petch  ~  Pickering  ~  Pickup 
Pinkney  ~  Pitcher  ~  Pitts  ~  Pooley  ~  Potter  ~  Powell
Poynton  ~  Pratt  ~  Prince  ~  Procter  ~  Pudsey  ~  Quirk
Rabley  ~  Ransom  ~  Reader  ~  Reckitt  ~  Revill  ~  Richardson
Ringrose  ~  Robinson  ~  Robson  ~  Rodmell  ~  Rogers ~ Rowlatt
Rowntree  ~  Salvidge  ~  Scott  ~  Sculpher  ~  Selby  ~  Sharp  
Shearsmith  ~  Shepperton  ~  Shields  ~  Simions  ~  Simpson  ~  Singleton
Sizer  ~  Slater  ~  Smales  ~  Small  ~  Smith  ~  Sonley
Sparrow  ~  Stabler  ~  Stainton  ~  Stanley  ~  Starkey  ~  Stead
Stobbart  ~  Stonehouse  ~  Storne  ~  Storry  ~  Suddaby  ~  Sutton
Tate  ~  Taylor  ~  Tew  ~  Thacker  ~  Thompson  ~  Thrower
Tindall  ~  Toes  ~  Tomalin  ~  Topham  ~  Tran  ~  Turner
Twidale  ~  Upton  ~  Varey  ~  Wainman  ~  Walgate  ~  Walker
Waller  ~  Wallis  ~  Walls  ~  Ward  ~  Wardle  ~  Waterhouse
Watson  ~  Webster  ~  West  ~  Westaby  ~  Wheelhouse  ~  White
Whitehead  ~  Wilberforce  ~  Wiles  ~  Wilkinson  ~  Wilson  ~  Winkley  Windle  ~  Wise  ~  Woods  ~  Wray  ~  Wright  ~  Yorke  ~  Young

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