a general page for these particular
centenary years of remembrance

A selection of views of the 2018 Memorial,
taken the next day, 12 November, are below


A few images of the Sutton on Hull War Memorial
taken in sunshine the very next day, 12 November

Click any image to enlarge, 'back' to return

2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary

one of two hand-made wreaths, and ceramic poppies, laid by the boys and girls of Dorchester Primary School     one of two hand-made wreaths laid by the boys and girls of Dorchester Primary School     hand-made wreath laid by 2nd Sutton Brownies     St James' congregation, the Sutton&Wawne Museum, and the Agar family in memory of Pte Brotherton & Sapper Robinson

The Men of Sutton on Hull

2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary     2018 Centenary

The Men of St Mark's & Wilmington, Stoneferry,
and from all three of these former Sutton Parish areas
who were never publically honoured until 2018

2018 Centenary - the new plaques     2018 Centenary - the new plaques     2018 Centenary - the new plaques     2018 Centenary - the plaque with the 238 'extra' names

A lot of the names on these new polished granite plaques were previously on the stones that can be seen by the main gate to this memorial garden. Those stone plaques used to be sunk into the earth at the base of these steps, mostly hidden by stones and chippings, and in autumn, by an increasing number of fallen leaves. They were usually walked upon, thus went unnoticed.

Hence the reason why they are now all displayed here, sons, brothers and cousins,
and mostly also neighbours from the same streets, now honoured in perpetuity
as was promised. Plus the 238 who never made it onto a public memorial in the
years after their deaths, for many various reasons;
unbelievably, a far number greater than the 146 that we had in the first place.

Sutton War Memorial - 12 November 2018

Two of the original Street Memorials, from Stoneferry and Wilmington,
have survived, and were held in store by Hull City Council for many years.
Now conserved, and beautifully restored, they are in the safe care
of the 'Streetlife Museum' in Hull city centre.

The original Stoneferry Memorial board, now in the Streelife Museum in Hull    The original Wilmington Memorial board, now in the Streelife Museum in Hull

They list the names of the men who served, as well as those
killed or wounded, and so are a valuable resource to family historians
searching for information they may not find elsewhere.

We hold larger quality photos inside the museum, where they can be examined
enlarged on a computer screen on Fridays, 10am to 2pm.

They are far better and more detailed than can be shown on here;
hovering your mouse over either memorial will bring up an enlargement of
just a small section, albeit distorted, to give some idea of what may be seen.
Clicking a memorial will show the enlarged section at 100% full size.

Sadly, we have no original image of the St Mark's memorial, presumably lost.



A few images of that year's Remembrance Service
at the Sutton on Hull War Memorial

Our final view of the war memorial today was taken before the service, the now fading wreaths of the August 4th commemorations laid to one side in preparation for today's service. The shrubs, having been extensively cut back at the time the new paving slabs were laid, afford us the view to the church that once was to be had before, decades ago, when our War Memorial was first consecrated.

Further above, a lone veteran of more recent wars bows his head in tribute and ponders Binyon's words on our new plaque, words he will have heard at innumerable services during his long career. Further above still are the two poppy planters presented to us in the museum by the children of St James' School, and seen placed here on the altar in the church for our service.

A bit further down this page is a selection of images of last year's service. We can see how much the trees and shrubs, pretty though they are in their autumn finery, encroached upon the monument, and in times of high winds and storms, can pose some danger. Also visible in the photos below is the former gravelled area around the monument, no problem to the fit, but of considerable hazard to walking sticks and almost impossible to cope with in a wheelchair.

This view, also taken on Remembrance Sunday before the service, looks back towards the church from near 'our pilot's grave'.



There are in total nineteen official war graves and memorials in Sutton-on-Hull churchyard. This page has been amended, because as has been pointed out, there are three men who died during the First War who are buried in family graves rather than under the more recognisable Commonwealth War Graves headstones. There are also one other family grave, and one family memorial containing two names. The names of the 7 men added are in the top panel just above here.

The War Graves notice on the churchyard gate There are fourteen CWGC headstones, of which six are from the Great War, and eight from the Second World War. All six of the GWGC Great War graves are men not of this local area, though two of them were in what may be described as our 'local' unit, the East Yorkshire Regiment. The remaining four were in other units, the Lancashire Fusiliers, the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, and the Machine Gun Corps. As far as we can tell, sadly, there are no surviving 'full service records' for any of them. So we cannot be sure where any of them actually came from.

Although they are buried here, those from 'away' are almost certainly remembered in their own home towns or villages on their own memorials, just as Sutton men are remembered on ours. Should someone recognise a name, and seeing the regiment and service number then realise it is the same man, we'd be grateful if they could let us know. Otherwise, it's a case of wait and see if, one day, any of their family contact us, from which we may glean more information.

The eight men buried here from the Second World War are also mainly from away, one of them from a long, long way away. The one that served in our East Yorkshire Regiment is now known to be a Sutton man.  There are one each from the Royal Engineers and Royal Artillery, two from the Royal Army Service Corps, and three from what was then the newest service of all, the Royal Air Force. Two of those, we think, were based at the local air station, RAF Sutton on Hull, which was in fact the base of a barrage balloon squadron for the provision and maintenance of the barrage balloons that protected Hull from low level air attack. It is not widely known that several RAF men were killed during Hull's blitz when manning barrage balloon sites ashore around the city, or on the barges moored in the Humber.

It's even more difficult to find details on seven of these men because their Second War service records are not yet generally available to the public, only to their immediate families. But we know a good bit about the eighth, paradoxically because he was from the furthest away. He was an Australian airman, a pilot killed in the Battle of Britain, who lies in our churchyard only because he married a local girl when he was stationed in Cornwall. He died in a head-on collision between his Spitfire and a Dornier, over Surrey, and because his next of kin was now his wife of only six weeks, and she came from Sutton, his body was brought back here for burial. Otherwise, he would have been buried in Surrey, near to where he fell. We have a lot more details about him on this page, HERE.

As you can see in the photo above, the City Council have now placed a notice to the churchyard gate, pointing out that there are Commonwealth War Graves inside the churchyard to the rear. You'll see the gate when in the car park in front of the Church Hall. It is hoped that folk who visit our newly refurbished memorial will also take the time to pop into the churchyard, just at the back of the memorial, and remember our 'other seventeen' servicemen, and perhaps leave a flower.

Of course, Sutton folk have known of the existance of these graves all along, and it is merely an accident of geography and design that with the memorial being totally enclosed by trees and shrubs, the cemetery itself is 'hidden away' around the back. So visitors may not realise that it is there, let alone how to get into it. At first glance, the walkway up the ramp to the church hall looks as if it may be a private drive. And yes, if visiting the churchyard, you can park there. If you do, please be aware that parking is very limited, so please do park 'tidily' with consideration for others. There is another free car park just the other side of the Old School and Museum.

This Google Map is now more up-to-date, with the memorial itself easily viewed even from this angle. Even so, when standing inside the memorial garden, there is little clue as to what resides behind the high brick wall at the back. Perhaps this image will help. Since this image was posted, the bus stop has been moved some distance 'behind' the camera.

the notice reads, At This Location, There Are . . .
The way up the side ramp to our cemetery
(picture courtesy of Google Maps)

A page of photos of all the war graves in our churchyard,
and further web links, can be seen HERE

Home Page
Main War Memorial Page

1938 and All That
being an outline of the causes of the Great War

You may well ask, what has 1938 got to do with anything, particularly the Great War? The quick answer is, Everything. Because of all that had gone before, and all that was about to happen after.

At the bottom of this page is to a link to an extraordinary article, of a lecture in fact, given by an unknown naval officer, in November of 1938. I say, 'unknown', as he simply signs himself M.C.R. And I include it here on this website for those fascinated enough with the origins of the tragedy of the Great War, and all the subsequent tragedies that followed. It gives the best summing up that I have ever seen of the main causes of what led up to that terrible August of 1914, and an equally keen insight into the terrible events that led directly to what followed. Just remember that within 3 years of this article being written, Hull city centre was largely reduced to rubble. That terrible event had its roots in what happened 24 years before, the centenary of which we mark this year.

The author, perhaps without realising it, brilliantly outlines the chain of events in the Germany of Bismarck's era and leading up to 1914, the Great War itself and how that war ended, through to the 1930s and the rise of the Nazi Party, and on to the Second World War, even though that hadn't started when he wrote this. I'd love to know who MCR really was. And did he survive the coming onslaught? I hope so, but we really don't know. His writing seems to show an awareness of his own impending fate.  One reason I recommend this is if only because this man was writing about his own times, had lived through the Great War and had plenty of time to think and reason and consider cause and effect; he knew very well indeed what he was talking about, enough to be qualified to give it as a lecture.

It's a long read, and takes about 30 minutes. I recommend it to old and young alike, those with a good knowledge of those events, and also the younger students of history who may well be just delving into this momentous period of European history. I would say that anyone much younger than 14 would struggle to fully understand all that this article says, it was after all meant for other naval officers of good and broad education, from 18 year old Midshipmen upwards to more senior ranks. It appeared in the 1939 Spring Edition of a magazine called THE NAVAL REVIEW, the in-house magazine of the Royal Navy, along with lots of other articles and discussions of naval interest. Once read, anyone will have a far better appreciation of what 1914 was all about, and why it is so important to understand and remember it now, even after 100 years. I wish I could have read this when I was about 16 and first getting really interested in naval history and the origins of the two great wars that cast such a shadow over my family and would be such an influence on myself.

You must understand that, at the time of its publication just before the Second War, these articles were meant only for the eyes of officers of the Royal Navy, to give them some background of the situation Britain was then in, and some idea of what may well be facing them in the near future. On that score, it is amazingly prophetic. The writer hopes there will not be a war, but in his heart of hearts, he knows it's coming, and coming soon. A case of 'hope for the best', and 'prepare for the worst'. As we know, 'the best' did not happen. It's a classic example of the meaning of the phrase we have all become familiar with from the recent TV series, "A WARNING FROM HISTORY." My Goodness, it certainly was that.

To answer the question, 'what has 1938 got to do with anything?', the answer is simple. Munich. The previous September to this article appearing, in 1938, had seen what we now call The Munich Crisis, that last-ditched and doomed effort by the British Government, in particular Neville Chamberlain, to avert another European war. The Munich summit was designed to persuade Herr Hitler to reign in his European military adventures, with no more repeats of the recent 'annexation' of neighbouring countries like Czechloslovakia. It was well known even then that Poland was next on the list.

So the article was written as a lecture, and given in the November, only weeks after Chamberlain returned from meeting Hitler, famously stepping off his aeroplane and waving the piece of paper bearing Hitler's signature, declaring it meant 'Peace in Our Time.' Well, he was right in a way, it was, for just under another year. But for so many millions, their 'time' was just coming to an end. Many men of the Royal Navy, reading this article in 1939, would not be alive six years later when it all came to an end.

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