1914 ~ 1919

1939 ~ 1945

Sutton War Memorial


Remembrance Sunday
13 November 2022

Since the 2018 Centenary, there are four additional
scrolls holding the marble plaques on which
are inscribed the names of nearly 500 men of
Sutton, Stoneferry, Wilmington and St Mark's in The Groves
who fell in the Great War.

The second picture is of the new WWII Memorial Stone
unveiled on 11 November 2022

Other photos are here and here.
[ last year's photo is right at the bottom of this page ]




Links to full lists of all the men on
the Sutton Memorial, as well as
Memorials to the men of
Stoneferry, Wilmington & St Mark's in The Groves
are all further below


Roll of Honour

Rosemary . . that is for Remembrance

To the undying
memory of the
Men of Sutton
who laid down
their lives for
their Country
in the Great War

To the Glory of God and in
grateful remembrance of the men
of The Groves and of St Marks'
congregation who laid down
their lives in the Great War 1914-1919.
This memorial was errected
by Public Subscription.

Also of those who died in the
Second World War 1939-1945,
now individually named on
the new memorial stone just to
the right of the memorial cross.

The names now recorded on these pages
are a great many more than the 36 men of WWI
who appear on the Sutton War Memorial itself.

Thus we now show details of men from
the congregations of St Mark's in the Groves,
Stoneferry, and Wilmington,
all were men lost or wounded in World War I.
These are all former Sutton Parish areas, up to
the 1880s when their new churches were built, and
the medieval
1349 parish of Sutton was divided up.

In the 1950-80s, those 'new' areas then saw large scale
house clearances, and their churches were also demolished.
We in Sutton therefore 'inherited' their war memorials,
and are happy to host them and remember them here,
in the parish where many of their own parents
and grandparents were christened, married or buried.

In addition, the original lists for
Stoneferry and St Mark's seem to also include those
who served and were wounded, as well as those lost.
But only those men who actually lost their lives
have had their names added to the new plaques.

A rolling 4-year programme of research by Terry Keal
has now been completed, and so enabled us to
add 236 names to these lists on this website,
men that were previously missed from their original
Rolls of Honour.

in time for the 2018 Armistice Day Centenary Commemoration
Unbeknown to us, there were so many more names missing
than we ever thought could be possible.
Names were missed 100 years ago for a variety of reasons,
very often because of cost when local memorials were paid
for by public subscription. For some families, they
simply couldn't find the money. Others never accepted,
at least for some years, the reality of their great loss,
especially if there was no known grave.
We, with the help of Terry, aimed to right those omissions
as best we can, within these lists on this website.

"Their names liveth for evermore . . ."

Sutton War Memorial

Full lists of names are on these links:

Sutton on Hull   :   Wawne

Why do we have memorials here for these other places?
Each link is to a page for another War Memorial in
our former historic parish.
St James' in Sutton inherited three other memorials for the districts below
when their own churches were closed and demolished in the 1970s-80s.
The historic parish of Sutton in Holderness extended right down to Witham
until c.1887, after which the new parish churches of
St Mark's and St Saviour's were consecrated.

Most of the men listed here had parents and grandparents who were
originally Sutton parishioners, and so in that sense alone, we are more than
happy to have their names here on our war memorial and next to the church where many of them or their parents were baptised or married.
Their own churches have long gone, so we will take care of their memory.

Click the links to go to each memorial.
Stoneferry   :   St Mark's in The Groves   :   Wilmington

The details of most names, on the original plaques as well as the new ones, can be seen in high quality photos of the original memorials inside
the museum on Fridays. These include the addition of the list of 236 men
from those areas above previously never shown on any public memorial
for this past century, but now added to ours here in Sutton, along with
their 146 comrades who were always known about.

There are 14 CWGC War Graves within St James' churchyard
The War Graves notice on the churchyard gate
most of which are graves of men who were stationed near here and therefore not neccessarily from Sutton, which explains why none of them appear on any of our own War Memorials. Each man is presumably, and hopefully, remembered on the memorial in his home town or village. Additionally, there are another 5 family graves and memorials in the churchyard, all details of which are now present, with their photos, on the War Graves page.


The vast majority of men on our war memorials served in one - or more - of the 13 battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment. Prior to the 1880s, when most numbered regiments gained their county names, they were the 15th Regiment of Foot, or 15th Foot in shortened parlance, that number being the order of precedence on the march in major parades and national events such as coronations and victory parades. The Buckinghamshire Regiment (14th Foot) had precedence, marching in front, and the Bedfordshire Regiment (16th Foot) marched behind.

The East Yorkshire Regiment ceased to exist in April 1958 on Amalgamation with the West Yorkshire Regiment to form the Prince Of Wales's Own Regiment Of Yorkshire (PWO). PWO amalgamated with the Green Howards & Duke Of Wellington's Regiment in 2006 to become the Yorkshire Regiment. The Company that recently moved from the barracks at Mona House in Sutton village is Alma Company, 4th Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, and it is that battalion that is regarded as the direct 'heirs' to the historic East Yorkshires.

... an additional page of information
about some of the men
that appear on these pages

2nd Lt. John "Jack" Harrison VC MC
Hull's renowned sportsman, who still holds the record for the most tries
in one season, has no known grave, for his body was never found.
The War Memorial garden here in Sutton on Hull is now also 'home'
to the Victoria Cross paver placed here in 2017 to honour the memory of
this remarkable rugby league player who fell leading his men at
Oppy Wood on 3 May 1917. Click for more information.

Flight Lieutenant Pat Hughes DFC,
an RAAF pilot from Cooma, NSW, Australia,
was killed in action flying over Sussex during the Battle of Britain.
Pat had married a local Sutton girl just a few weeks
previously, and so was buried in our churchyard.
He had previously lodged in James Reckitt Avenue
when he had been stationed at RAF Leconfield.

A selection of photos from the
2022 Remembrance Service

A selection of photos from the
2014 Remembrance Service

More about the 19 War Graves inside the churchyard

More churchyard photos

RAF Sutton on Hull page
dozens of links to military history, both local, to Hull and East Yorkshire, national and military, including both World Wars, all armed services, and more ...

Clicking any of these five images, taken on,
12th November 2018, takes you to the page where
you can load some more full screen.

The detail of all the names on all the plaques
can be clearly read in the enlarged photos.

Sutton on Hull St James' Churchyard
St James' churchyard, and the War Memorial garden,
11:30 Monday morning : 12 November 2018

Sutton on Hull War Memorial garden

Given that Sutton War Memorial is now home to
his VC paver, it is appropriate that we should now
create a permanent new page dedicated to
Jack Harrison & The Hull PALS

There are links to the Rolls of Honour for
Wawne, Stoneferry, Wilmington & The Groves,
as well as Sutton itself, further below.

Visitors to this war memorial
are always welcome,

though if you visit on a Friday, then do be sure to pop into our little museum inside the Old School, just a little further along Church St, going west away from the church. We help with Family History research, including war graves, and general history of the local area. Unfortunately, we can only open on a Friday, but if you are in need of a cuppa, tea or coffee, we serve refreshments in our little tearoom, £1.50 per person.
On other days, we do recommend "The Beeches", a tearoom further up Church St, going east, just round the bend, about 100yds past the Duke of York.
This Map May Help

Photos of the 2018 Centenary Wreaths,
taken the next morning, when there was more sun.

An image of the memorial, taken 12 May 2015,
with the bluebells nicely showing their splendour.

Click the image for a larger aerial view of St James'
and most of the churchyard. The War Memorial is in that
group of trees, in the top left of the churchyard,
at the end of that broad gravel path from the church tower,
and where they meet the churchyard wall.
A tiny part of the white stone cross can
just be seen in the middle of the trees.

The Old School, and museum within, is further up
the picture, marked by another yellow square.

Taken from, and credits to, GoogleEarth.
There is a similar view of St Peter's ..
click the link on the Wawne Memorial page.

updated : Nov 12 ~ 2018
Since first posting this honour page some eighteen years ago, we became more and more aware that it was neither complete, nor totally accurate.

We have no record, for instance, of the Second World War dead of Stoneferry, Wilmington and St Mark's. It has also been noted that the list of Second War dead for Sutton itself is not complete. Indeed, the vast majority of names shown here are of First War dead. If anyone has knowledge of such extra records, do please get in touch with us. Clicking the link above will take you to the list, which now stands at 236, being the total now inscribed on the new plaque for the First World War.

We originally said, back in 2014, that it would not be possible to alter the engraving on the actual stonework of the war memorial, but we could only set the record straight on these pages, or at best in a digital database kept within the Old School. Contrary to our expectations, it has been possible to 'add' more spaces to the memorial, in the shape of the four polished granite plaques which are now in place on the steps. These have now been inscribed with all the names that were previously only seen in the stone plaques that came from the walls of their former churches. Those plaques had formerly been sunk into the earth, at the base of the memorial steps here in Sutton for several years. The new granite plaques now include the names of all the 238
additional men (previously thought to be 224) of Stoneferry, Wilmington and The Groves who were missed off of their own memorials for various reasons and thus have never been honoured or remembered in the same way, at an annual Remembrance Service, as their fallen neighbours and comrades have been for this past 100 years.

In 2014, marking the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War, we embarked upon compiling that planned database of all the 182 names we then had on our memorials, having no idea there would be so many missing. The task was huge, but taken on by Terry Keal, back then a city ward councillor for Sutton, but now retired. The database is now complete, with every man of a total of 420 men from all four parishes now listed, and which is available to family and researchers to view within The Old School Museum. We are researching each and every name now, and a good many - well over half - have already been completed. We intend to publish every known detail and fact about each man, eg; his local family where known, his regiment or ship, where and when he died, and links to his medal card and service records where they exist. This database is open to view inside the Old School on Fridays, and of course, researchers from afar who seek family information can email us and we will do our utmost to supply whatever we can. They truly will not be forgotten.

In the meantime, if you can help with the above project, add any family information, please feel free to email me and I will take the details ... ...
Rob, the Webmanager

If you are researching a family member,
and are new to the Internet, you may find useful
the several Military Links,
to the RAF and the other armed services,
the Merchant Marine, Commonwealth War Graves Commission,
and others.

on our Other Links Page
or click the button in the left-hand menu at any time.
There you will find help on how to access
service records and where they are kept.

In addition, for the time being until this can be hosted elsewhere,
we have a link to a page showing the
War Dead of the GPO in Hull.
Again, it opens in a new window, just close when finished with.

Details of all of the men lost can be viewed on the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website
(opens in a new window)

The Civilian War Dead Index for WW II
(also opens in a new window)
Whilst this page is mostly dedicated to Service Personnel
killed during the two World Wars,
the above link takes you to pages that list all the
civilian wartime casualties of enemy action
in Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire.
You'll have no difficulty in spotting the Hull ones . . .
sadly, they are easily the more numerous.

More information on the Hull Blitz,
including some maps of Hull plotting the fall of bombs,
is available on my other website at Hull Blitz Maps,
or Hull Bomb Maps as Google appears to be calling them.


Top of Page

Museum Folk & Family History Research on Fridays in the Old School Rooms, a marvellous display of life in Sutton & Wawne in times past ..
much more to see when you visit ..Incredible list of resources.Use in conjunction with FAMILY HISTORY button below ...

A Short Explanation of How
these War Memorial Pages
came about

* * * * * *

Sutton War Memorial ... btw .. the poppy is my own drawing, not lifted from the web

A Sutton Lad
in 1917

by: author unknown � 2014

We were taught to read and to write
in this school

Never taught to loathe, or despise
or to hate.

We didn't want to fight or to scorn
or be cruel

Only to read and to write, have fun
and be late.


We left this place so sure we would
return some day.

Very sure we would be soon on that
boat and would come

Once more to this place of youth,
to laugh and to play.

Never thought we'd bury friends
so far from our home . . .
. . . in a cold, foreign clay.


Well, some of us did make it home,
though only as names

To be engraved on stone so pure
and so white

But many, never found, had no
such a grave

Left all alone to sleep, their sleep
of endless, endless night.


We yearned to leave this school, go out
in the world and take part

To make our way, to be rich or
to be poor

Never thought we'd be famous, huh,
for our poor part

In the war that was meant to end,
put an end to all war.


We just wanted to go home and
be all done

With the killing and the fear
and the fight

To return to this school, once more
to have fun

To learn how to read, to add up,
and to write.

2014 Copyright remains with the
Sutton & Wawne Museum

Sutton Remembers

our FACEBOOK page

Top of Page

The memorial after the 2018 Centenary Service

a poppy Stationed in Sutton 1914 - 1920s
a poppy
taken from the pages of a Wartime Autograph Album
compiled by a Sutton/Stoneferry girl, Elise Carrick,
from 1914 to 1926.

Of the 70 or so pages of witty lines, drawings and cartoons, some 35 are signed by soldiers, stationed here in Sutton, or passing through via a local war hospital. Most were not local to the village, many being from Northumberland and Co.Durham. This is an extracted list, giving as much information as the page gives; some of the men appear more than once. Some men give almost full details, including a regimental number, others almost nothing, just initials and a rank that indicates they were soldiers. At least one was killed in action on later service, and one was awarded a Victoria Cross. Several are very artistic and/or poetic, and their style or traits may be recognisable to their families. The atmosphere of the book is of gentle humour, sometimes even romantic in style, and reminiscent of an England now long gone, an era that has almost vanished from living memory.

The Family History researchers thought that publishing their names here may be of some help to the families of these men when researching their history. Should anyone recognise one of these men as 'belonging' to them, let us know, and we'll email you a copy of 'their' page. The list is not alphabetical, but taken in order of the album page number they came from, hence the gaps. Dates given are presumably when they signed the book, so should be an indication of when they were in Sutton.

2. Black, E.W. Corporal ~ a poem   see this sample page and read his lines

4. Adkin, Cpl 4th Btn, Yorkshire Regiment ~ a poem

5. Brocklebank, L/Cpl 4th Res.Btn Yorkshire Regiment ~ lines

7. Smithson, J Gnr   80456  "A.A". gun    at Sutton on Hull ~ lines

8. Rudings, C. L/Cpl   'A' Coy, 3rd Btn Lancashire Fusiliers 9/2/15 ~ a drawing

10. JB (initials) a Gunner, Royal Field Artillery     at Sutton on Hull ~ poem

11. Pidgeon, W. H. L/Cpl  30th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers 4/7/17 ~ lines

13. Rudings, L/Cpl, 'A' Coy, 3rd Btn, Lancashire Fusiliers    Sutton ~ cartoon

15. Betts, Sydney J.  5th Durham Light Infantry 23/4/1918  ~ poem

16a. Rudings, C. L/Cpl. 'A' Coy, 3rd Btn Lancashire Fusiliers 15/2/15 ~ a drawing

17. Spearman, E.C. of Sacriston, Co Durham .. see No19. 1919 ~ a cartoon

18. 'S. K.' (initials) 30th Northumberland Fusiliers    5/3/1917 ~ poem

19. Spearman, E.Craig of Sacriston, 5th Res Btn, DLI Sutton ~ see No 17 ~ lines

20. Smithson, J.  Gnr  'A.A' gun, Sutton on Hull ... see No7. ~ lines

22. E.G.C. (initials), by a soldier ~ poem

23. Herbert, Louis S, Pte, 25th Northumberland Fusiliers ~ poem

25. Prior, F. C. L/Cpl    85th T.R.B. (Training Reserve Btn, North.Fus) ~ poem

26. Howell, W. Pte.    Sutton on Hull 17/2/1917    ~ cartoon

27. Couryer (?), J. Gnr 38th 'AA' Coy, Royal Engineers   Sutton Fields ~ lines

28. Barlow, R. S. Cpl, 'AA' gun Sutton 7/7/1918 ~ his regimental motto

30. Kelly, F. Pte, M.M. 5th D.L.I. (?? MM = 18.4.1918) ~ poem

31. R.S.B .. could possibly be same as No28 above ~ drawing

39. French, W.H. Sgt, 5th Durham Light Infantry     Sutton ~ cartoon

42. Harrison, A. 4th Res Btn, Yorkshire Rgt, Anti-Gas Unit Sutton ~ lines

45. Ellis, Ted  4th Res Btn Yorkshire Rgt,    Sutton 31/1/1918 ~ drawing

46. Barlow, R. S. Cpl, 'AA' gun R.G.A. Sutton on Hull .. see No28 ~ lines

47. Rudings, C. by Pte, 'A' Coy, Lancs. Fusiliers .. see 8,13 & 16 above ~ drawing

50. Moxon, L. H. Pte 12/7/1917    ~ poem

51. Burnett, A.  Royal Field Artillery  1/1 Heavy Battery (AA ?) 1.10.1918 ~ drawing

52. "Jock", possibly same man as above, Sutton on Hull 1/10/1919 ~ drawing

53. Dresser, Tom, Pte V.C.    7th Btn, Yorkshire Regiment     ~ his inscription

54. French, W. H. Sgt 5th Res Btn, DLI     Sutton on Hull .. see No39 ~ poem

56. "H.P" or "P.H". or Rev'd E.F.A.B,. possibly by a regimental padre ~ verses

61. Marshall, C.C. Driver, 5th Yorkshire Regiment (Res ?) ~ cartoon

67. Mawson, J. R. Pte, 5th Durham Light Infantry (Res) ~ a verse

Elsie's lovely album was on loan to the museum until the spring of 2019, and had been displayed here for some 10 yrs. It has now been returned to the family that bought it in a junk shop many years ago. So we no longer have it to view, but we do have all the pages scanned, and can show them to visitors in the museum on one of our displays upon request.


Images are copyright to the Sutton & Wawne Museum, but feel free to download for
your own family history files or educational purposes - but strictly not for commercial use.
If you want to use them, fine, but contact us and make a donation. We have a museum to keep up.
