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holly holly ST JAMES' ACADEMY

The Girls and Boys
from St James' Academy
came and sang for us again today,
Friday, December 13th 2019 at 1:30pm

They entertained us with a super selection of traditional
carols and songs, in front of a capacity audience.
The 'House' was Sold Out to a Full School of parents, grandparents
and even some former pupils of yesteryear - whose delight was obvious.
The winning song was undoubtedly the song they wanted to sing the most,
and it showed in a very lively and telling audience with their enthusiastic
rendering of the classic hit "LAST CHRISTMAS".
Beautifully sung, girls and boys, and thank you for your vocal efforts
and the cheer you brought to all of us on such a cold December day.

     Our Choir arrives    ~  at the gate  ~   at the Museum door    ~  we're filling up      

    Our Christmas Choir ~  The packed audience   ~  Our Tree  ~  Our Venerable Guests

On Friday 14th December
St James' Acadamy Year 5 Christmas Choir
& Glockenspiel Ensemble

gave us a concert in our Old School
to an invited audience.
We hope you enjoy this little selection of images.
We had an audience of about two dozen, including some special visitors, to hear a varied concert of Christmas carols and songs, with a spirited accompaniament of bells in the appropriate places.
Seven former pupils of many decades past, in 40BC, came to see us and thoroughly enjoyed the show. After the performance, they were invited to briefly give some idea of their memories of their schooldays, in the time of scratch-nib pens, pencils and blackboard rubbers. (BC = before computers)
When the concert was over, the children part-took of some light refreshments, and a selection of chocolate treats in large bowls that someone had carelessly left lying around on the table.
It was also an opportunity for a selfie with Santa!
This looks to be the same image as the one above, and it is - very nearly. But some of the children show a little more clearly, so we've included both of them.
A small ensemble on Glockenspiels gave a peformance
of 'Silent Night' for us . . .
. . . . and can be seen a little more closely here.
It came as a huge surprise when Mrs Capes announced she had a cheque for us, some £220, raised by the children at a coffee morning in the previous week at school, through the sale of cakes and buns baked by parents and teachers.
For which we are hugely thankful.
Led by Mrs Capes, their class teacher, the children are here leaving as Santa bids them farewell by the door.
Their vocal chords having been stretched and then refreshed, we got the impression that they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves . . .
. . . . as evidenced by their cheerful waves and lusty bids of farewell and Happy Christmas.
To which we bade them farewell, and hope they all have a Joyous Christmas and a Very Healthy New Year.
It was truly a pleasure for us to host them, and once again to let our ancient rafters echo to the joyous notes of happy children singing their hearts out in anticipation of the Christmas to come, as they have done for most Christmases of the 160 years of the life of this Old School.
The photos above have been reduced by 30%, with 10% compression, just for this page. They have also been emailed to Mrs Capes at the school, but full size, should they wish to print copies for themselves.


visited us again for their annual Christmas recital
on Friday, December 15th 2017. They gave a truly joyous concert in very fine voice, and even one popular carol in the form of a canon. Which I am reliably told has nothing to do with a gun.  We had a duet, followed by a Septet singing the second verse, after which the whole choir joined in the last verse. All photos will enlarge with a 'click' - and if you press F11 to dispense with the top toolbars, they come almost full-screen, each photo in a new window.
the children all sitting comfortably in our old school hall .. click to enlarge 1.
Here are the children all sitting comfortably in our old school hall, led by Mrs Capes and all ready to sing for us. They are following a noble tradition, just as hundreds of children in dozens of classes have before them to sing carols in this very school at Christmas over the years, when this was the St James' school, going right back to when the old queen was on the throne.
some of which were accompanied by hand bells .. click to enlarge 2.
We had a recital that included carols and songs, some of which were accompanied by hand bells, giving a very Christmas feel to their concert. The hand bells took various forms and shapes, and were rung in a most enthusiastic manner. It is reported that at one point, Mrs Capes was seen jumping up and down, even more enthusiastically than usual.
Making the rafters fairly tremble with song .. click to enlarge 3.
Making the rafters fairly tremble with song, we had songs about Rudolf, and Snow (as if we haven't had enough of that already), and a gentleman with a white beard and red coat whose name escapes me for the moment .. .. ..
a lovely carol telling the story of Mary, and her boy child .. click to enlarge
We had "Away in a Manger", and a lovely carol telling the story of Mary, and her boy child. How many folks listening today would realise that this beautiful carol was first released by a fine singer called Harry Belafonte exactly 50 Christmases ago, in 1957. How do I know that? Because I remember it, because I was a little boy myself then, about this same age, and it was my mum's favourite carol and our dad bought her the record for her Christmas present.
All together now  .. click to enlarge
The pupils kindly closed ranks a little for me to try to get them all into one photo, but it's still difficult.
one to the left .. click to enlarge
So I took two more photos of the choir, one to the left as shown here . ... .... .
and one to the right .. click to enlarge
... ... and one to the right, to be sure they are all in at least one photo.
It was a lovely performance, and all of us at the Old School thank them for bringing us Christmas Joy, and also for their kind donation. We wish all the children a very Happy Christmas, and an even more Healthy New Year.


INGS PRIMARY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sent a couple of classes to visit us on 27 October, just before half-term. A really lovely visit it was too; we enjoyed it as much as our visitors did! The pupils were all so enthusiastic, with a keen interest in the exhibits and what we do here in our homely little museum. These lovely photos were sent to us by their teachers, and display a sense of enjoyment that is great to see inside our Old School, which 'in its day' had a reputation for being one of the happiest schools imaginable. We like to think we keep that tradition up, and it shows here, doesn't it.
All photos will enlarge with a 'click' - and if you press F11 to dispense with the top toolbars, they come almost full-screen, each photo in a new window.
our young visitors enjoy the sun .. click to enlarge 1.
A happy line up here on our restored Sutton station seat. Though they did seem a little crestfallen when we explained that the last train to Hornsea had already departed up the line .... some 50 years ago. Never mind, a visit inside our museum is almost as good, we just don't have all that sand. Or the sea. Or ice-creams. Oh dear! Next picture please .. ..
a young lady trials our Victorian tablets .. click to enlarge 2.
Our Victorian tablets were a hit with our visitors. This young lady looks set to do some serious design work here. These photos were taken with a tablet, of a pupil working .... ....
with a tablet !?!?
Oh heck ... I can't cope!
Our old school desks are always a big hit with those young enough to fit into them .. click to enlarge 3.
This young lady has made a start on some artistic design writing. I think we may have a future designer here!
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge
This gentleman, with another cheerful smile (they ALL had cheerful smiles) and sporting his clipboard was on a serious search for clues to complete his project questionairre. He was more than happy to demonstrate this jaunty way to wear a traditional Englishman's cloth cap
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 5.
Another example of serious study here. A pupil examines an old coin, as well as some of our collection of wartime greetings cards and postcards. Some contain poetry, others made in silk with designs of allied flags and regimental insignia and other symbolism. These are very relevant to those sad times, and also included tokens of love and affection to sweethearts and family members. Silk postcards, most popularly portraying floral designs and arrangements, were the easiest way for a man away at war to send flowers home to his loved ones.

St James' Academy Visit ~ 23 June 2017
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

A few pics of another lovely visit.
These photos are cropped to 800x600 and condensed by 10%

The visit was a great success, the first time we have hosted four years of children in one morning! They enjoyed a certain amount of dressing up, and trying our old school desks for size. One pupil was interested enough in Jack Harrison's medals to ask to see the set of replicas we now hold. For some reason, trying on different types of head-dress seems to be rather popular.

Trying out our Victorian iPads also seemed popular. Some of the children seemed intrigued at the lack of any sign of a charging cable! As always, the children as a group, and individually, were a credit to their teachers, their school, and not least their parents.

The last photo shows one Year Group, Y6, leaving, just as Y5 arrive.
All in all, a Great Visit. We're looking forward to the next one!

crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 1.
St James' Acadamy Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . .
came to sing before an invited audience inside The Old School again on Friday, Dec 4th, with their selection of joyous songs and Christmas Carols. They gave a superb performance, and this after singing late into the previous evening in The City Hall.
They sure have stamina, these voices.
And not only that, they raised just over £53 for our Museum Funds. Many thanks indeed Guys n' Gals.
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 2.
As well as our Volunteers, some 32 parents, grandparents and visitors packed into the Old School rooms to hear these inspired children raise our rafters once again in joyful song and praise. Just like years ago, over the decades, these same 150-year-old rafters have reverberated with the happy songs and voices of children. Some of whom were sitting in our audience and no doubt musing on their memories of similar happy times.
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 3.
Our audience were all sitting comfortably. After a quick tune up, the choir stood up stood to give full voice, under their choirmaster Mrs Capes, with their first rendering, a very active number called "Rescue Me".
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge
Some of the older members of the audience (me) were slightly peturbed that the later choice of songs seemed to lean very much towards bad weather, a very wintery feel, such as "Let It Snow", and "Frosty The Snowman". But they joined in, rocking with gusto (to keep warm) as Mrs Capes led the choir through a decided and joyous low pressure system of snow and frost, and then the sun came out again.
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 5.
But not for long, for then we had the very lovely evening carol, "Away In A Manger". During the singing, some of the choir broke away to pass down the aisles in order to pass a collection box round the audience, and when done, they kindly donated the whole of their collection to our museum funds.
For which, as always, we are very grateful.
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 6.
The audience applause after each rendition said it all; a tremendous effort by everyone. Now exceedingly thirsty and having ascertained that the choir, contrary to popular belief, are very fond of biscuits, the choir stood patiently for our very tall cameraman to take this photo before partaking in liquid refreshment of the fruity variety . . . and biscuits. Really! Who would have thought it, children loving biscuits! Never heard such a thing.
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 7.
Having so partook, one may have thought they were so very keen to leave us and get back to their lessons, as they stood coiled like springs on the starting block . . . . . . . .
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 8.
. . . . . . and then, as if they had heard the crack of doom . . .
or another crunchy biscuit . . .
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 9.
. . . . . THEY WERE OFF ! Like the start of Le Mans, it was.
Forsooth! They nearly knocked me over. Forsooth again!
crammed with visitors for our WW1 Exhibition .. click to enlarge 10.
But it was all a joke, I jest, they were not really so keen to go and leave us. I think they enjoyed themselves. The children properly lined up under the direction of Mrs Capes and their helpers, and filed calmly out of the Old School, to cries of "Merry Christmas," "Good Cheer" and "Happy Holiday", to return re-voiced and refreshed to the undoubted joy of their lessons. But I'm sure that, as they passed, I heard one of them still singing .. "Let It Snow."
... Arrgggh! Please don't.


Year 5 pupils from St James' CofE School
paid us another visit on Friday, 12th May 2015.

As a big thank you for their magnificent fundraising efforts
we the staff and volunteers at the Museum hosted them for a
VE-DAY type of tea
on long tables bedecked with Union flags below and bunting above.

They had egg sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, and SPAM sandwiches.
Many of the children confessed that the SPAM was very good;
some thought we had kept a tin for them since 1945 !

There was also a bun (don't forget the bun), and little dishes of sweets,
plus copious quantities of soft drinks. It was a good party.
We were all very impressed at their sponsored times-tables competition.
Excellent results all round, and we were amazed to hear that they had
all raised another £162 for us. Words fail us, except to say THANK YOU,
from the bottom of our hearts.

pupils of St James' CofE School
The VE-Day tea, all laid out awaiting our hungry 'evacuees'. Click any picture to enlarge it.

pupils of St James' CofE School
All the children had 'evacuee' type luggage labels showing their names. They also had a 'ration card' with their name on, which they had to surrender to get their rations.
pupils of St James' CofE School
The children were not allowed to tuck in until their card had been collected.
pupils of St James' CofE School
Once again, it was good to hear this 156 year old school hall ringing to the sound of children's laughter. Teachers and headmasters of long ago would have loved to hear this school once again being the happy place we know it was.
pupils of St James' CofE School
They all get tucked in, as museum volunteer Liz dashes back at full speed to the NAAFI canteen to get more rations.
pupils of St James' CofE School
Three pupils, on behalf of all the others of Year 5, present a cheque for £162 to Miss O'Brien. All of us at the museum are amazed at the degree of support and good wishes we get from all the children that visit us. A big thank you to everyone at St James' School who helped and assisted these young gentlemen and young ladies to do so much for us.
pupils of St James' CofE School

The girls seemed to enjoy themselves . . .
pupils of St James' CofE School

. . . just as much as the boys.
This lad gave the SPAM his seal of approval.
He liked it ! As well as the bun.
pupils of St James' CofE School

In fact, they all did very well and polished off most of what we gave them. There wasn't much SPAM left at all.
pupils of St James' CofE School

Their class teacher, Mrs Capes, assembled all outside the Old School door for a final photo shoot before starting their short walk back down Leads Rd to school. As you can see, all are present and correct, including their 'evacuee labels'. We can further verify, for all our good viewers, that after a thorough de-briefing, all pupils were returned to their original homes and in very good condition. Our thanks to each and every one of you, both for giving us at the museum such a nice time, and for your handsome donation to our museum.


Three classes of pupils from Biggin Hill School
paid us a visit on Friday, 27th Febuary 2015.

They came to see our Exhibitions,and to learn about
the historic buildings and houses around Sutton

The pupils, who were very enthusiastic, formed into smaller study groups with their adult helpers fill in their questionairres. The 9 photos below were taken by permission, and records a most enjoyable visit. We hope that the pupils will call to see us again, perhaps in the holidays, and hopefully bring their mums & dads and grandparents to see us as well. The children can show their grandparents what it was like to live in the old days!

pupils of Biggin Hill School

The pupils, teachers and helpers arrived and once again, filled our old school room with chatter and laughter. It's good to hear the roof timbers echo again with children's laughter, just as it would have done for over a 100 years up until the day it closed in 1976.
pupils of Biggin Hill School 2.

The pupils soon got very serious, and were down to work straightaway . .
pupils of Biggin Hill School 3.

. . . and were very soon hard at work.
pupils of Biggin Hill School 4.

All pupils took turns in groups to have a brief look around the museum room, and see the many types of toys and dolls that their grandparents played with.
These girls had their priorities exactly right, they wanted me to tell them the names of all the dolls in our collection! I tried my best, but ... I'm only a boy ..
pupils of Biggin Hill School 5.

All the pupils brought their own packed lunches, which they ate in the spacious surroundings of the Village Hall, before returning to the Old School for the remainder of their fact-finding exercises.
pupils of Biggin Hill School


Our resident historian and curator, Merrill Rhodes, clearly enjoyed the lessons. And Peter gave the pupils a demonstration of the school bell; it was so loud, I had to cover my ears!
pupils of Biggin Hill School

We were impressed by the questions we were asked and can report that Biggin Hill pupils were exceptionally well-behaved, and a credit to their school.
pupils of Biggin Hill School

The lesson was very informative. Here, Merrill is paying very close attention because she know questions will be asked later.
pupils of Biggin Hill School

Finally, Pat thanked all the pupils for coming to visit us, and all the teachers and helpers for bringing them. The children all shouted a very loud "THANK YOU" for their visit. It was very loud; I had to cover my ears! Again!

We thank all at the school for another very enjoyable and successful visit.


The Year 5 Choir of St James' C of E School
came to sing for us on Friday morning, 12th Dec 2014.

They gave us a lovely concert, directed by their music teacher, Mrs Capes. Today was especially hard for them considering they had been singing their hearts out the night before at the City Hall Carol Concert and all had had a late night. They were rewarded with juices and chocolate brownies, and a long, cold walk home.

Choir of St James' SchoolChoir of St James' SchoolChoir of St James' School

Choir of St James' School
The choir were a joy to hear. They made these rafters sing once again, the joyous sound of children really looking forward to Christmas, just as it would have sounded all those years ago when this old building
was the St James Church of England School.
Choir of St James' School

As someone commented, it must be pretty rare anywhere for a school who had been rehoused in a new building, after vacating their Victorian one some 38 years before, to then repeatedly revisit their old building to sing carol concerts to an invited audience.

Mind you, it does help if that old school is now a museum and family history centre. So many of these children had grandparents who were themselves schooled under these very rafters. All the staff and volunteers at the Museum thank St James' School for their continued support, and heartily wish all the staff and pupils at St James' School a very Happy Christmas and the very best for the New Year.

these photos by: Liz Cook

click a photo to enlarge :: click right mouse button, then Save As ... to keep it for yourself


Two classes of pupils from Year 2 at
Cavendish Road School
also paid us a visit recently,
on Thursday morning, 20th Nov.

They came to see our Hull-Sutton-Hornsea Railway Exhibition,
on display to commemorate the closing of the branch to Hornsea,
and thus Sutton station, just 50 years ago last month.

The pupils, who were very enthusiastic, formed into smaller study groups with their helpers to study the changes in local transport over the decades. They also took the perfect opportunity to look at the rest of our museum, including the WW1 Commemoration Exhibition, and the folk history museum with our multitude of exhibits donated to us over the years. This photo set attempts to tell the story of their visit, and convey their excitement, further expressed when they all promised a return visit to us and dra.. bring along their grandparents. Both of them, all four of them, even! Even.

Subsequent to their visit, the school very kindly sent us a cheque donation for the museum amounting to £56.
All the staff and volunteers here at the Museum wish all the staff and pupils at Cavendish Rd a very Happy Christmas and the very best in the New Year. Many thanks indeed for all their kind thoughts and support.

pupils of Cavendish Rd School
The pupils, teachers and helpers arrived and filled our old school room with laughter.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
The pupils got down to work straightaway. A study group here in full steam and ready for learning about our lost railway, about station masters with big pocket watches on long chains and peaked caps, and coaches full of children going to the seaside.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
In our tearoom it was not tea, nor biscuits, that absorbed another study group and their attention, but our WW1 display of Sutton during that war, and how life was in the village before that tragedy started.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
Two study groups here. After a lot of study and notetaking, a lot of very interesting questions . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
. . . even about the fashions and apparel of the times . . .

photo: Alison Whitfield
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
They were fascinated by the penny-farthing bicycle seen in the background here by the cupboard. No brakes! How did it stop, then? They were all very good and hung on every word ...

and then . . .

photo: Alison Whitfield
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
. . . the pupils gathered together to be informed that they would now go down Church St to visit the railway bridge and site of the old station. Their excitement was, er, very noticeable, and you could see that they just couldn't wait . . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

. . . to rush to the door.

It was like 'Hometime' in the old days!

They swept past me like an express train, so quick I couldn't get the camera onto them fast enough, and I feared I was about to be trampled in a veritable stampede of steaming yeartwos ..

ouch! ... I say, that was me' foot!
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

Out they came, two by two, off to see if they can catch a train.

I couldn't keep up with them, me, too slow to catch a cold, never mind a train.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

First, it was down to the old railway bridge, past the old station house where the station master lived . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

. . . to look over the bridge parapet like so many generations of Sutton children before them, to see if their train was coming, or perhaps already awaiting in the station . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

. . . and if you were lucky, to get the undoubted benefits of a lovely great cloud of smelly steam and sooty smoke as a train passes right under the bridge.

And perhaps also to get a right old telling off from your mum if you were a girl for getting mucky smoke smuts on your dress. Steam and smoke was okay for boys, they were always mucky. It wasn't fair! Sooty smoke smuts didn't show on boys' jackets and trousers, only on their rosy cheeks.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

Then, it was down the ramp to the site of the old station, to learn about where the platforms used to be, and how the trains went under the bridge back to Hull, or way out past today's playround, seen in the background, to Hornsea and the seaside.
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

So then it was time to walk back to school . . . . .

. . . . "What! D'yer mean we've got to go all the way down there . . under that dark bridge?"

photo: Alison Whitfield
pupils of Cavendish Rd School
Before you knew it, this memorable visit was over, and the children and teachers and all their helpers formed up into pairs and made a train of their own and steamed off down 'the track' heading for Tweendykes crossing . . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

. . . passing right under the old but newly restored and painted railway bridge . . .
pupils of Cavendish Rd School

. . . and a very pleasant walk along the old trackbed, between autumnal trees and shrubs, to make their way back to school.

Ah, it must have been very pleasant to have gone to a school right beside a railway.

The whole school again rang with the voices of happy children. There is definitely something about this place, something that promotes happiness. I think it is in the very walls, for the countless photo records we have of the school in years past, the testament of former pupils and residents, all tell us that Sutton was a good place to live, a wholesome place to live, a good place to bring up kids, to live and enjoy a real neighbourliness few places enjoy today. Former teachers and headteachers now long gone would be proud if they could see the place today, and feel the happiness that a visit here brings to all ages.

We really enjoyed their visit, and hope they all did too. Of course, we do hope to see them all again, bringing along their grandparents, who we're sure will feel so much better for seeing all the nostalgia and reminders of their own childhood.


A few pupils from St James' paid us a visit
on Friday morning, 7th Nov.

They brought with them gifts of two lovely planters
of paper poppies to display within our WW1 exhibition
as their Act of Remembrance, and a
Book of Commemoration compiled by
the pupils themselves.

The poppies can be seen on display on the left
of our Memorial Wall in the tearoom

pupils of St James' School

pupils of St James' School

pupils of St James' School

pupils of St James' School
The Remembrance Planters and Book of Commemoration

pupils of St James' School

pupils of St James' School

pupils of St James' School

We enjoyed having them here, making our Old School alive,
and hope they will revisit and bring their families with them
in the holidays or on Heritage Weekends in the summer.

12 July 2016

An excellent visit by a very enthusiastic group of pupils. This was the very first visit by Wawne School to our museum, and we think they were impressed.
They came armed with project sheets and knew exactly the items they were looking for. Two young ladies even found records in our old registers of their relatives, one a grandfather, and another a great aunt. See more below.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 1.
On arrival, all the pupils and two teachers line up for a photo shoot in front of the costume and dolls displays.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 2.
The pupils quickly spread out to search for their project subjects. Each had to find five items they had already researched on the internet. Head teacher, Philip Sainter is seen here chatting to Simon Davies, our resident Hull WW2 air defences expert.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 3.
Some pupils were very interested in the costume displays.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge
Our new mobile racks make it as easy to browse through the many costumes and artefacts as it would be in the lady's fashion department of a department store.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 5.
When one pupil asked if she could have a closer look at our piano, it was realised that she was already something of a pianist, and very quickly tickled the ivories and gave a quick rendition of a popular theme tune had all ears tuned in.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 6.
Four pupils quickly found our 'Reading Corner' where all our re-arranged reference books and materials have been labelled by our volunteers, Liz, June, Anne and Maureen, for much easier searching. The two chairs are right by our warming radiator for a quiet, comfortable read on cold winter days.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 7.
One young lady was one of two that actually found ancestors in our old School Registers. This pupil found her grandfather's record from when he was a young pupil at the school just before WW2.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 8. The teachers found our photo displays just as fascinating as their pupils. It was so good to be asked so many questions from these young ladies and gents who realise that most of their family's own heritage is tied up in the history of both villages.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 9.
A little time was set out for a rest from searches, and a welcome glass of juice and a biscuit in our tearoom amidst our WW1 commemorative displays.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 10.
Work is work. Busy-ness in evidence here, as these young ladies gathered their research material for their project.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 11.
Here is the second young lady to find relatives who were former pupils at our school. In this case, a grandmother and sister, her great aunt.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 12.
There was great interest and fascinating when head teacher explained the workings of our primitive clothes washing system, the dolly tubs and mangles that our grandmothers would have used. Now they know why, when we get our fingers caught in something, we say they are 'mangled', and the point about the danger of fingers trapped in rollers or the gear mechanism was very well made.
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 13.
Whilst most of the party were visiting the St James' graveyard, these two young ladies took time out to have a few moments peace and quiet of their own and found a quiet corner on our railway seat in the unexpected sunshine. Well, it is July, an English summer they tell me!
Wawne Primary School visit, 12 July 2016 .. click to enlarge 14.
A final photo-call at the railway seat before they left, all 14 pupils agreed they had had a good and interesting visit. It was a pleasure for us to host them, and we look forward to seeing them again, perhaps with their families on summer holiday Fridays.

As more schools visit us, we hope this page will get longer and longer and longer ... ....
Well, it would have done had not Covid got in the way!


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