P H O T O   G A L L E R I E S

Assorted photos of both villages

Images are generally copyright, but you are welcome to download and save for
your own family history purposes, but not for re-publishing.
Commercial organisations, should contact us for information about use,
and we will direct you to the owner of any particular image.
They are not for reposting to Social Media.
P a s t   &   P r e s e n t
Before you visit our Galleries,
do enjoy this brief slideshow of Sutton scenes

Some of these scenes, including the night-time shot of the station in the snow,
are from the Suddaby Collection;
the other railway scenes are courtesy of Ken Mell and the North Eastern Railway Society.
The modern scenes are courtesy of Google Maps and their Streetview facility.
All are strictly copyright.
  • sutton-1
  • sutton-2
  • sutton-3
  • sutton-4
  • sutton-5
  • sutton-6
  • sutton-7
  • sutton-8
  • sutton-9
  • sutton-10
  • sutton-11
  • sutton-12
html by v8.0
This slideshow can be paused with a mouseover, and also viewed full screen if required.

G A L L E R Y   1
images of both Sutton and Wawne

open a page of more photos open a page of more photos open a page of more photos

There is also an excellent new Photo Website for
Wawne Village
with several photos of the village and the ferry many years ago
G A L L E R Y   2
images mainly of Sutton, plus two of Wawne Ferry
open a page of more photos open a page of more photos open a page of more photos

G A L L E R Y   3
St James' School in around 1970
Another 24 images taken from the
Eric Johnson Photo Collection

open a page of more photos open a page of more photos open a page of more photos

Do any viewers recognise themselves or their classmates here?

G A L L E R Y   4
Sutton on Hull Railway Station
6 assorted images
open a page of 6 more Sutton Station photos open a page of 6 more Sutton Station photos open a page of 6 more Sutton Station photos

G A L L E R Y   5
mystery images now archived
not necessarily of Sutton, they could be Hull or the wider EY area.
They're mysteries, and still need someone to ID them and put names to faces.
mystery images now archived mystery images now archived mystery images now archived

There are several more photos and images of St James' churchyard
to be found right at the bottom of the Churchyard Page,
which lists nearly 2,000 souls of this parish buried there over the decades.


G A L L E R Y   6
mystery images now archived
definitely not Sutton, possibly more in the Beverley wider EY area.
They're mysteries, and still need someone to ID them and put names to faces.
mystery images still copyright mystery images still copyright mystery images still copyright


Well, these clips did use to work okay back in the day of Internet Explorer, and 'sort of' in Firefox.
For some reason, the display was better in IE, and tiny in Firefox; very disappointed with FF.

Still, now, I can't get them to work at all, so I suppose that's progress.
It seems that our very old video clips are not now of the right type,
despite being saved as mp4 files.  Mystified.  Someone may put me right.

They were a couple of our experimental videos ...
just trying the sounds, trying to capture the mood.
A sort of Sutton mood.

Once started, each clip would play once, then stop.

Please give them time to load, the clips have to travel a very long way.
from videos provided by Bernard Sharp.
We have St James' Churchyard,
at the eventide of a nice day.

For those of you who have forgotten what Sutton is like in summer at eventide;
it's timeless.

Switch your speakers on,
and you'll get bells.
St James' Churchyard, in winter.
For those of you who have forgotten
what Sutton is like at lunchtime in winter;
it's chilly. 

Switch your speakers on,
and you get ... er ... snow.

If you enjoyed those brief summer and winter scenes,
there's also a short photo slideshow on the
Memories Page


This is the code used above.
<video controls="controls"
                loop="loop" height="240" width="320">
<source src="./pics/churchbells.mp4"
                <source src="./pics/churchbells.mp4"

Someone, please, pray tell me what's up with it!
We can hear the bells, but why not the picture?

I use Blue Griffon to write my pages.

No, we cannot use a proff site and pay;
We're a volunteer museum with very little funding.
If you feel generous and want to help ... gratefully accepted.

T  H  E       E  N  D

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