The Main War Memorials Page


updated 20 Nov 2018
The list below is the 236
names of men killed during the Great War
most of whom we believe were not included
on the original war memorials for their parishes
when they were constituted in the early 1920s.
This is a revised figure from the 224 we believed earlier,
but it's still a huge number.
The names of an additional 12 men have been added to this list,
and their regimental details will be added to this list very shortly.

Sutton War Memorial

We have no full explanation as to why they were left off the original Rolls of Honour in 1920-25. It was not deliberate, or negligence on anyone's part. It was a mixture of the confusion arising out of the huge numbers of Hull's casualties resulting from that war, mixed with deep grief and false hopes, and perhaps to some extent the understandable haste in getting memorials errected as soon as the war was over, all of which led to so many names being missing from public memory.

Sutton War Memorial

In 1918
We can make some presumptions. One such is that not all families could afford the subscription required at the time to add the name of a loved one who never came home from the war, or who did but died later of wounds at home anyway. The amount commonly across the country was said to be 2/- (two shillings, or 10p in today's currency) and would be equal to a quarter of a week's rent for many. Poverty was rife, and not all families could manage it. Some families still could not accept the enormity of their loss, particularly if there was no grave, clinging to the hope that somehow, their man had survived and would turn up one day. By the time it was more apparent that such hopes would not be realised, it was too late. Memorials were carved and inscribed, and so they were never added - nor remembered - on church or parish memorials.

We then move on a full one hundred years.

Sutton War Memorial

In 2018
This list has been compiled from several sources. Primarily from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. Firstly, if a man's name did not appear there, then the military knew nothing of him, and however he died, the CWGC would say it was not in military service during those war years 1914-19. The 'window' for attributing a man's death to war service was until 1921, to allow inclusion for all those wounded men who did come home but would eventually succumbed to those wounds and die within two years. There are many examples on the War Graves site of men whose dates of death are 1919 and 1920. All of these men here are on those lists, and can be researched and viewed online for free.

Sutton War Memorial

Other main sources were, the Hull Daily Mail archive and other sources within our city archives, including long lost images of old street memorials as and when they appeared. By carefully corroborating a family address in the 1911 census, with known newspaper reports and family history records, as well as the first class website, it has been possible to verify this list as just of those men from St Mark's in The Groves, Wilmington, and Stoneferry. These are all men who have, we believe, never been remembered before within their home parishes, or were no longer remembered up to now. It is worth noting, just to give an idea of the scale of this new list, that there are 25 men from Spyvee Street alone who were never recorded on their own church memorial. Though we do know some of the others were listed on the many 'street memorials' for their particular street, but most of those memorials no longer exist today. 25 ommisions, just from one street .. and not a long street at that! All those parishes just mentioned were created from the huge area that was the former medieval Sutton parish of St James' Church, which extended right down to Witham until the 1880s. When those 'newer' Victorian churches were demolished in the 1970s-80s, their surviving war memorial plaques were taken to Sutton War Memorial Garden for safekeeping - forever. But the names here below are not on those memorial plaques from their former churches. And we have no idea why.

Sutton War Memorial

20 Nov ... edited below for clarity of numbers involved, the total has gone up again, by 12.

Right from 1999 - when our website first listed the names we did have - in the belief we had every man that was killed - it started to become clear from talking to very old Sutton residents that many names were missing from those lists. The original total from the other areas stood at 146, and if it did ever prove that men were missed off for whatever reason, we at the museum vowed to try to right that wrong one day, if only online. But we needed help and so in 2014, then city councillor Terry Keal commenced to research those missing men, and this is Terry's list compiled from four years of painstaking research. He had access to more records than us, and has done a superb job. Even now, he thinks we may still not quite have all of them.

Along with the 146 we knew about, there are the 236 that now know were missed, making a new total we can be reasonably certain about of 382. It is the 236 'extra' names that have now been inscribed on the fourth granite plaque on the base steps of the Sutton War Memorial. All four of the new plaques were blank up to November 2018, awaiting final details, and all of the other 146 have also now been inscribed across the other plaques. These were unveiled for the first time on Armistice Day. It should be noted there are so many names that there is only room for the surname and initials of each man. Terry arranged for that all to be done too. The full 'new' database of all the war dead, listing home addresses, regiments, ships, place of burial or remembrance, will be maintained in the museum, free to view, as well as copies that will eventually be held at the History Centre and the Treasure House.

So to sum up, where we thought we had 182, including the 36 men from Sutton village, it turns out that we really have 418. That is quite some degree of error, or ommision, however we want to view it, but we trust that folks will appreciate the work that has gone into putting this very inaccurate record straight. The total number has fluctuated somewhat, generally upwards, as progress was made in putting this new list together. We have striven hard not to miss one single man and so perpetuate those 100 year-old errors.

Now that the plaques have been unveiled, and the 'final' figure fixed, you can see a photo of all the plaques on this website, by clicking the photo links on the main War Memorial Page.

A short summary of 'losses by street' is placed at the very end of this list.

Sutton War Memorial

It is pleasing to now report that several of the relatives of the men listed here did attend the Armistice Day Centenary service commemorating the end of the Great War. We were very pleased to see them, and do hope they all felt that the inclusion of their relatives names on these new plaques did their service due honour and recognition.

Updates as of 20 Nov 2018
We can now confirm that the exact number is 236.
There have been 12 more names added, these are underlined,
some spelling corrections, and some extra forenames initials added
where they were previously missing or unknown.
Corrections are marked with a star .. * ..
and the index number and name denoted in bold type.
Extra forenames are in italics.


1 .. AARON . . . . JAMES . . . Pte . . KOYLI 8th † 19728

2 .. ABBA . . . . HAROLD . . . Pte . . EAST YORKS Rgt ... 10/483

3 .. ABBA . . . . THOMAS HENRY . . . L/Cpl . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 36281

4 .. ALLAN . . . . THOMAS . . . Pte . . 3/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 202981

5 .. ALLMAN . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 13/2

6 .. ALLSOP . . . . JOHN WILLIAM . . . Fireman . . MERCHANT NAVY .. HM TUG 'CLANSMAN' † xxx

7 .. ANNANDALE . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 13th YORKSHIRE Rgt † NORD

8 .. ARKSEY . . . . JOSEPH WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 13/308

9 .. BARON . . . . ARTHUR . . . Pte . . 6th DORSET Rgt † 23454

10 .. BARRETT . . . . ALBERT . . . Gnr . . RFA 4th BDE 'C' Bty Res † 20519

11 .. BARRETT . . . . HAROLD BERTIE . . . Gnr . . RGA 77th SIEGE Bty † 382356

12 .. BARRETT . . . . FREDRICK . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † 25597

13 .. BARRON . . . . EDWARD JAMES . . . A/B . . MERCHANT NAVY .. SS 'ENDYMION' (HULL) † xxx

14 .. BARTON . . . . RICHARD . . . Pte . . MGC 31st INF † 139201

15 .. BATMAN . . . . HENRY . . . Fireman . . MERCHANT NAVY .. SS 'TYOHO' HULL † xxx

16 .. BAXTER . . . . ALBERT . . . Rfl . . 1st LONDON Rgt † 45142

17 .. BAXTER . . . . HENRY . . . Sgt . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1114

18 .. BECK . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . 17th MIDDLESEX Rgt † 252

19 .. BETTS . . . . BENJAMIN . . . Pte . . RFA 8th TM BY † 242787

20 .. BETTS . . . . HERBERT JOHN . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 250809

21 .. BETTS . . . . JOSEPH . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1047

22 .. BETTS . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 598

23 .. BINNS . . . . WILLIAM ARTHUR . . . Pte . . 8th EAST YORKS Rgt † 13554

24 .. BLACKBURN . . . . EDWARD . . . Pte . . 1st COLDSTREAM GDS † 12548

25 .. BLANCHARD . . . . ARTHUR . . . Gnr . . RGA 124th † 3

26 .. BLANCHARD . . . . WALTER . . . Pte . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11/602

27 .. BLOOD . . . . JOHN . . . Pte . . 7th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 44239

28 .. BLOWMAN . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . MGC 102nd Btn † 150347

29 .. BOND . . . . JOHN . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 3/5946

30 .. BOOTHBY . . . . ERNEST WALTER . . . Pte . . RMLI 1st Btn RND † 1470

31 .. BOYNTON . . . . ALFRED . . . Skipper . . MERCHANT NAVY .. Steam Tug 'SINGAPORE' † xxx

32 .. BRAGG . . . . JOHN E . . . Pte . . 8TH EAST YORKS Rgt † 8159

33 .. BRAITHWAITE . . . . CLARINCE . . . A/B . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'BULWARK' † 22207

34 .. BRAITHWAITE . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . 1st COLDSTREAM GDS † 13699

35 .. BRANNAN . . . . THOMAS . . . L/Cpl . . 11th ROYAL SCOTS FUS † 12060

36 .. BRENHARDT . . . . ADOLP . . . Pte . . 9th QUEENS LANCERS † 12830

37 .. BRIGLIN . . . . GEORGE EDWIN . . . Pte . . 20th PIONEERS DLI † 93264

38 .. BROTHERTON . . . . FRANK . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † 3/6493

39 .. BROWN . . . . FREDRICK . . . Pte . . 15/17th WYR † 61606

40 .. BROWN . . . . JOHN HENRY . . . Pte . . COLDSTREAM GDS 1st † 11006

41 .. BROWN . . . . JOSEPH . . . Pte . . EAST YORKS Rgt † 19784

42 * .. BURKE (correct spelling) . . . . JAMES A . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 203796

43 .. BURN . . . . JOSEPH . . . Sapper . . RE IMPERIAL SIGNAL SECT † 211377

45 .. BURNHAM . . . . HAROLD . . . Cpl . . 53rd KOYLI † 80278

44 .. BURNHAM . . . . JAMES EDWIN . . . Pte . . 6th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 10611

46* .. BUTTRICK (corr.spelling) . . . . CHARLES ERNEST . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt ... 3408

47* .. CALDERWOOD . . . . EBENEEZER . . . Pte . . 24th NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS ... 44137

48* .. CALLAGHAN . . . . J A . . . * . .

49 .. CANDLER . . CHRISTOPHER GEORGE PATMORE . . Gnr . . RFA 29th Btn 42nd Bde † 28430

50 .. CARTER . . . . WILLIAM HENRY . . . Pte . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11/150

51 .. CHAPMAN . . . . WILLIAM GLEADOW . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1968

52 .. CHILDS . . . . JOSEPH FREDRICK . . . Pte . . 1st MANCHESTER Rgt † 3512821

53 .. CLARK . . . . WILLIAM SOWERBY . . . Capt . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † xxxx

54 .. COLLINGWOOD . . . . CHARLES . . . Pte . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt MGS † 11/139

55 .. COLLINS . . . . JOSEPH . . . Pte . . NFUS 21st SCOTS † 44131

56 * .. COUPLAND (correct spelling) . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 10/857

57 .. COPLEY . . . . PERCY . . . Pte . . 17th LIVERPOOL Rgt † 50118

58 .. CORDEN . . . . HERBERT STENNET . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † 459

59 .. CRESSY . . . . JOHN WILLIAM . . . Cp . . 11th NFUS † 5480

60 .. CROSSKILL . . . . FRED . . . Pte . . 9th KOYLI 'C' Coy † 31016

61 .. CROUCH . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 1st LANCASTER Rgt † 20485

62 .. DAUBNEY . . . . HENRY . . . Pte . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 10221

63 .. DAY . . . . A H . . . * . .

64 .. DAY . . . . GEORGE EDWARD . . . Pte . . 7th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 44151

65 .. DAY . . . . THOMAS HENRY . . . Pte . . 2nd WYR † 18903

66 .. DAY . . . . R W . . . * . .

67 .. DEAN . . . . ALFRED . . . Cpl . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 826

68 * .. DENT . . . . GEORGE ALFRED . . . Cpl . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 427

69 .. DEVANEY . . . . ARTHUR . . . Pte . . 5th NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Rgt † 12064

70 .. DEVANEY . . . . THOMAS T . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 11323

71 * .. DIBNAH (correct spelling) . . . . WILL. ARMITAGE . . . Pte . . ARMY CYCLIST CORPS XI Btn † 14296

72 .. DIGLIN . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 505

73 .. DIGLIN . . . . WALTER . . . Pte . . 1/4th YORKS & LANCS † 203159

74 * .. DODSLEY . . . . GEORGE HENRY . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 8106

75 .. DOUGLAS . . . . THOMAS HERBERT . . . Gnr . . RGA † 21810

76 .. DOWNES . . . . ERNEST . . . L/Cpl . . 2/7th MANCHESTER Rgt † 44757

77 .. DOWNES . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt † 24868

78 .. DRY . . . . ALBERT HENRY . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 16231

79 .. DRY . . . . ROBERT WILLIAM . . . Drv . . RFA 251st BDE 'A' Bty † 755246

80 .. DUNBAR . . . . PATRICK . . . Pte . . 9th WYR (YORKS HUSSARS) † 10381

81 .. EDMOND . . . . HAROLD . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 384

82 .. EGAN . . . . JAMES . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 10548

83 .. ELLIS . . . . CHARLES . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 4462

84 .. ELSWORTHY . . . . WALTER . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 4099

85 .. ELY . . . . GEORGE . . . Sapper . . RE 497th FIELD COY † 461238

86 .. EVERITT . . . . JOHN OSCAR . . . Pte . . 7th YORKS & LANCS 'B' COY † 235579

87 .. FENTON . . . . JESSE . . . Pte . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 11345

88 .. FINON . . . . JOHN . . . Fireman . . MERCHANT NAVY .. SS 'MEMBLAND' † xxx

89 .. FOSTER . . . . JAMES HYATT . . . Pte . . 8th EAST YORKS Rgt † 13606

90 .. GALLOWAY . . . . EVANS . . . Gnr . . RFA 223rd BDE 'B' Bty † 765495

91 .. GALLOWAY . . . . GEORGE DAVID . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt 'A' COY † 12256

92 .. GALLOWAY . . . . THOMAS . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 10242

93 .. GIBLIN . . . . PETER . . . Pte . . 1st EYR † 12605

94 .. GODFREY . . . . RALPH . . . Pte . . 2nd LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 8071

95 .. GORMAN . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 12199

96 .. GOULD . . . . ARTHUR FRANCIS . . . RAMC . . RAMC 19th 'Coy' CHESTER † 147430

97 .. GREEN . . . . GEORGE . . . Gnr . . RFA COMMAND TANK CORPS † 11448

98 .. GRIMBLEBY . . . . CHARLES LOUIS . . . Pte . . RASC MECH. TRANSPORT † 100497

99 .. GRIMBLEBY . . . . HARRY NELSON . . . army . . NORD † NORD

100 .. HALL . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . 12th EAST YORKS Rgt † 518

101 .. HALL . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11339

102 .. HAMILTON . . . . HAROLD . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † NORD

103 .. HARDEY . . . . JAMES . . . Pte . . 2/5th BORDER Rgt † 241883

104 .. HARDING . . . . HARRY . . . Bugler . . 2nd COLDSTREAM GDS † 9244

105 .. HARDY . . . . GEORGE . . . Drv . . RFA 112 Bty 24th BDE † 63512

106 * .. HARRISON (not Harris) . . WALTER . . Steward . . MERCHANT NAVY .. SS 'NORTH WALES' † xx

107 .. HART . . . . HERBERT . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 201314

108 .. HART . . . . JOHN HAROLD . . . Pte . . NFUS 23rd SCOTS † 38077

109 .. HENDERSON . . . . DAVID . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 11080

110 * .. HETHERINGTON . . . . GEORGE EDWARD . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 205137

111 .. HETHERINGTON . . . . ROBERT . . . Pte  . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 21637

112 .. HILDYARD . . . . LEWIS ALBERT . . . Pte . . 4th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 202872

113 .. HILL . . . . WILLIAM EDWARD . . . Trimmer . . RNR .. HMT 'CITY OF DUNNDEE' † xxx

114 .. HOLLAND . . . . PATRICK EDWARD . . . Pte . . 14th DLI † 52615

115 .. HORNBY . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 3607

116 .. HOTCHKIN . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . 12th EAST YORKS Rgt † 12/1225

117 .. HOTCHKIN . . . . FRED . . . Pte . . 12th EAST YORKS Rgt † 12/1226

118 .. HUFFEE . . . . SPENCER CLEMENT . . . Pte . . RFA 251st Bde 'B' Bty † 756174

119 .. HUNT . . . . ERNEST SIDNEY . . . Pte . . 2nd KOYLI † 7176

120 .. IRWIN . . . . ALFRED . . . Pte . . OX & BUCKS LIGHT INF † 18390

121 .. IRWIN . . . . JOHN WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 13664

122 .. IVES . . . . JONAH . . . A/B . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'PRESIDENT III' † 185893

123 .. JARVIS . . . . ERNEST . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 30881

124 .. JARVIS . . . . JAMES HENRY . . . Pte . . 5th KOYLI † 205701

125 .. KELLY . . . . JAMES JEVINS . . . Pte . . 1st KOSB † 17879

126 .. KELLY . . . . JOHN . . .   . . 1/4th . . EAST YORKS Rgt 'B' Coy † 2403

127 .. KELSEY . . . . HERBERT . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 38133

128 .. KERWIN . . . . ALBERT . . . Stoker . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'HAWKE' † 115602

129 .. KIRBY . . . . FRANCIS SYDNEY . . . Pte . . NFUS 22nd SCOTS † 316218

130 .. KIRLEW . . . . WALTER . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11635

131 .. LADLOW . . . . CHARLES . . . Pte . . 2/5th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 240767

132 .. LAMB . . . . ARTHUR EDWARD . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 201838

133 .. LAND . . . . ROBERT WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 6281

134 .. LAND . . . . THOMAS . . . Cpl . . NFUS 25th IRISH † 60688

135 .. LAWRENCE . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 11017

136 .. LEAKE . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt † 684

137 .. LISTER . . . . LEONARD . . . Cpl . . RFA 251st Bde 'A' Bty † 755207

138 * .. LANGTHORP (corr. spelling) . . . . THOMAS . . . Stoker . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'PARAGON' † 30748

139 .. LONGWORTH . . . . GEORGE HENRY . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1627

140 .. MARR . . . . SAMUEL . . . Pte . . 6th EYR Pioneers † 10046

141 * .. MARRIOTT (correct spelling) . . . . JAMES EDWARD . . . CMS . . 2/4th KOYLI † 72079

142 .. MATTHEWS . . . . EDWARD . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 16106

143 .. MATTHEWS . . . . F . . . * . . *† *

144 .. MATTHEWS . . . . GEORGE ARTHER . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 13649

145 .. McALLISTER . . . . JOHN FRANCIS . . . Pte . . 10th RIFLE BRIGADE † 5598

146 .. McCANN . . . . JAMES ROBERT . . . Pte . . 8th EAST YORKS Rgt 'B' Coy † 28440

147 .. McCANN . . . . JOHN WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 22081

148 .. McCLOUD . . . . FREDRICK . . . Pte . . 12th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11796

149 .. McNULTY . . . . CHARLES . . . Cook . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'PEMBROKE' † 117

150 .. McWILLIAM . . . . HAROLD . . . Pte . . 9th WWR † 34957

151 .. MEDCALF . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . KOYLI Depot † 42177

152 .. MELLORS . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 8554

153 .. MERRYLEES . . . . ARTHUR . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1468

154 .. MERRYLEES . . . . ALBERT . . .   . . 10th HAMPSHIRE Rgt † 20167

155 .. MERRYLEES . . . . ROBERT . . . Pte . . 1st COLDSTREAM GDS † 5715

156 * .. METCALFE (correct spelling) . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 12/13th NFUS † 65040

157 .. MICHAEL . . . . T . . . * . . *† *

158 .. MILLER . . . . P H . . . * . . *† *

159 .. MONDAY . . . . THOMAS . . . Sgt . . RFA NORTHHUMBRIAN 2nd † 769

160 .. MOORE . . . . GEORGE HENRY . . . L/Cpl . . 8th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 14789

161 .. MOORE . . . . WILLIAM ERNEST . . . Pte . . 1st EAST RIDING YEOMANRY † 18260

162 .. MULCHINOCK . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 22nd DLI † 81482

163 .. MURPHY . . . . JOHN . . . Pte . . NFUS 25th IRISH † 35811

164 .. NEEDHAM . . . . ALBERT . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 2816

165 .. NEEDHAM . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . NFUS 17th PIONEERS † 321873

166 .. NELSON . . . . JOHN . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 12/187

167 .. NEWLOVE . . . . RICHARD ANDREW . . . Pte . . 50th MGC † 119286

168 .. NOCK . . . . HARRY . . . Gnr . . RGA A/A 'Q' Bty † 14326

169 .. NORTON . . . . SAMUEL . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 26677

170 .. OMER . . . . ARTHUR . . . Pte . . TANK CORPS HQ 1st Bde † 77375

171 .. OVEREND . . . . HARRY . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 21991

172 .. OVERTON . . . . THOMAS . . . L/Cpl . . 11th EAST YORKS Rgt 'C' Coy † 787

173 .. PAGE . . . . GEORGE WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 2151

174 .. PALLISTER . . . . JOHN WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1289

175 .. PALMER . . . . ERNEST . . . Skipper . . MERCHANT NAVY .. ST 'INDUSTRIA' † xxx

176 .. PARKER . . . . WALTER . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † 35568

177 .. PARKIN . . . . REGINALD . . . Pte . . 8th LINCOLNSHIRE Rgt † 38451

178 .. PEARSON . . . . ALFRED STEPHEN WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 78

179 .. PEPPER . . . . HENRY . . . Pte . . 6th EAST YORKS Rgt PIONEERS .. 6/10945

180 .. PEPPER . . . . JAMES . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt ... 28360

181 .. PIZER . . . . ARTHER . . . Pte . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 10391

182 .. PRESTON . . . . JAMES ROUTLEDGE . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 923

183 .. PRIESTLY . . . . JAMES . . . Gnr . . RGA 'W' A/A Bty † 118627

184 .. RAITHBY . . . . JOHN THOMAS . . . Pte . . 2nd EAST YORKS Rgt † 13526

185 .. REED . . . . WILLIAM AUGUSTINE . . . A/B . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'ATTACK' † 28390

186 * .. REMMINGTON . . . . HAROLD CHARLES . . . Pte . . 10th NFUS † 5050

187 .. RHODES . . . . ARCHIBALD . . . Pte . . CEF 29th (COLUMBIA) † 75013

188 .. RILEY . . . . ALBERT . . . Rfl . . 2nd RIFLE BDE † 2029

189 .. RILEY . . . . GEORGE . . . Gnr . . RGA 164th SIEGE Bty † 501

190 .. RIMMINGTON . . . . THOMAS HENRY . . . Pte . . NFUS 23rd SCOTS † 47446

191 .. ROBINSON . . . . FRANCIS WILLIAM . . . Sapper . . RE INLAND WATER & DOCKS † 506719

192 .. ROBINSON . . . . LAWRENCE . . . L/Cpl . . 10th WYR † 43131

193 .. ROBINSON . . . . TOM SYDNEY . . . Pte . . CEF 3rd (ONTARIO) † 4190

194 .. ROGERS . . . . WILLIAM . . . Drv . . RFA 52nd Bde 'D' Bty † 33534

195 .. ROWLAND . . . . G . . . * . . *† *

196 .. RUNKEE . . . . CHARLES . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt'B' Coy † 28234

197 * .. RYAN (spelling) . . . ALEXANDER COPELAND . . Mech . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'DEFENCE' .. 286678

198 * .. SLATOR (correct spelling) . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . DLI † 89159

199 .. SANDERSON . . . . ERNEST HENRY . . . 3rd HAND . . MERCHANT NAVY .. ST 'CORNELIAN' † xxx

200 .. SCOTT . . . . CHARLES HENRY . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 7234

201 * .. SCOTT not SAWDON . . . . JAMES . . . Pte . . 22nd NORTHUMBERLAND FUS † 201282

202 .. SCOTT . . . . WILLIAM HENRY . . . L/Cpl . . 1/4th EAST YORKS Rgt † 2030

203 * .. SCUDDER (more details added) . . . . KENNETH BOLTON . . . Pte . . 2nd WELSH Rgt ... 1249

204 .. SHEARD . . . . ALBERT EDWARD . . . Pte . . 2nd COLDSTREAM GDS † 11769

205 .. SHEARD . . . . DEAN . . . A/S . . MERCHANT NAVY † xxx

206 * .. SHELTON . . . . JOSEPH . . . Pte . . 2nd WELSH Rgt † 43056

207 .. SILLIS . . . . JOHN ALEXANDER . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 23895

208 * .. SLANEY not Stanley . . . . GEORGE . . . Pte . . 6th EYR PIONEERS † 10510

209 .. SNELL . . . . T . . . * . . * . .

210 .. SPARKS . . . . JOHN . . . Pte . . 10th KOYLI † 34830

211 .. STATHER . . . . FRANK . . . Pte . . 1/4 EAST YORKS Rgt † 3398

212 .. STEPHENSON . . . . ALBERT HENRY . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt 'C' Coy † 1633

213 .. STEPHENSON . . . . JAMES . . . A/B . . RNVR 'DRAKE' Btn RND † 5465

214 * .. SUNDVALL . . . . GUSTAF ADOLF . . . A/B . . MERCHANT NAVY .. SS 'NORTH WALES' † xxx

215 .. TAYLOR . . . . CHARLES WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 7th EAST YORKS Rgt † 11636

216 .. TAYLOR . . . . J W . . . * . . * † *

217 .. TEAL . . . . GEORGE ALFRED . . . Pte . . 10th LANCS FUS † 50116

218 .. THOMPSON . . . . STANLEY . . . Pte . . 1/4th SOMERSET LIGHT INF † 1931

219 .. THORPE . . . . WILLIAM LEONARD . . . Pte . . 13th EAST YORKS Rgt † 1081

220 .. THURLOE . . . . FRANK . . . Pte . . 10th EAST YORKS Rgt † 36758

221 .. TODD . . . . CHARLES WILLIAM . . . Pte . . 1st WYR † 27260

222 .. TONGE . . . . FREDERICK HILBERT . . . Pte . . 3rd EYR Depot † 19437

223 .. TRUMPER . . . . FRANK . . . Gnr . . RGA EAST RIDING 1st † 382286

224 .. TUNE . . . . HARRY . . . Gnr . . RGA 124th HULL HEAVY Bty † 43

225 .. WALWORTH . . . . WILLIAM . . . Pte . . RAMC 87th FIELD AMBULANCE † 401010

226 .. WARDELL . . . . ARTHUR MATHEW . . . Pte . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 203495

227 .. WATKINSON . . . . ARTHUR . . . 2/Lt . . 14th ROYAL SCOTS FUS † xxx

228 .. WELSH . . . . THOMAS . . . L/Cpl . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt 'B' Coy † 6663

229 .. WETHERELL . . . . CLARENCE CUBITT . . . Bdr . . RFA 251st Bde 'A' Bty † 755084

230 .. WHITE . . . . ALFRED . . . Cpl . . RGA 11th HULL HEAVY Bty † 290235

231 .. WHITTAKER . . . . FREDRICK . . . Stoker . . ROYAL NAVY .. HMS 'VANGUARD' † 25536

232 .. WILKINSON . . . . JAMES WILLIAM . . . Cpl . . 1st EAST YORKS Rgt † 1446

233 .. WILSON . . . . ALEX . . . Cook . . MERCHANT NAVY .. ST 'ISLE OF MAN' † xxx

234 .. WILSON . . . . THOMAS . . . Pte . . RMLI CHATHAM Btn RND † 6771

235 .. WINSHIP . . . . GEORGE HENRY . . .   . . 3rd GLOUCESTER Rgt † 40291

236 .. WITTAKER . . . . F . . . * .. * ... *

. . . and I only became aware of an extra 12 names yet to be added to this list on Armistice Day itself. This is the last update. The total of new names is now fixed at 236, for that is the number that has now been added to the blank plaques on the war memorial. These extra 12 will be added very soon.

NORD = No Other Record Discovered
.. we still have an enormous amount of information to find for quite a few of these men
but to give some idea of the enormity of the huge sadness that descended on these parishes over that four years, here is a short list of totals of those never honoured for some of the streets; but do remember, these are in addition to those that have always been on the memorials and known about.

25 from Chapman Street

25 from Spyvee Street

22 from Hodgson Street

15 from Cleveland Street

13 from Dalton Street

12 from Cornwall Street

10 from Lorraine Street

and the rest are smaller numbers from other streets.

What makes is so much more poignant is that some of those streets have totally gone, all the houses gone, just factories and warehouses there now, and not even a brick for a related family to show and remember that these men once lived there. It's as if they were erased from history, but now they will be honoured, inscribed on our memorial.

A new database is under construction, that will list all 418 men
from Sutton Parish and it's historical parish areas now known
to have lost their lives in military service during the Great War.
Click here to see some Sample data sheets, all of which will eventually
be printed and filed to be viewed by visitors to the museum.

The poem reproduced below, was written by a father
who had lost his son in the last year of the war.
Henry Christopher Bradbury movingly sets down in
these lines just how it feels to get the dreaded telegram,
one of the rare poems of the time that describes
the very moment of learning of his son's death,
the realisation of his, and every parent's, very worst fears.

APRIL 1918

You, whose forebodings have been all fulfilled,
You who have heard the bell, seen the boy stand
Holding the flimsy message in his hand
While through your heart the fiery question thrilled
'Wounded or killed, which, which?'-and it was 'Killed-'
And in a kind of trance have read it, numb
But conscious that the dreaded hour was come,
No dream this dream wherewith your blood was chilled-
Oh brothers in calamity, unknown
Companions in the order of black loss,
Lift up your hearts, for you are not alone,
And let our sombre hosts together bring
Their sorrows to the shadow of the Cross
And learn the fellowship of suffering.

Henry Christopher Bradbury

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