inside the Old School, Sutton on Hull, East Yorkshire



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updated 23 Feb 2024

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or advertising of any Products, for home, business or garden.
If a website is recommended here, it's because we
at the museum found it useful for history, and we actually like it.
We're not on any 'screw', 'take', 'bung' or kickback here.
For those not familiar or aware with those terms,
they are British colloquial speak for 'bribes'.
Nor do we give in to relentless pressure.

The answer is still No. Non. Nein
.. and the most fashionable at the moment, Nyet.
Politely of course -- we are British!

They should also note that we are all volunteers
at this museum; none are paid for their time.
Indeed, it's the other way round,
for the most part, we pay to work here.
That's another odd British thing too - doing summat for now't. Wierd.
It is sad to have to waste space to post this notice
but British folks would be amazed at the diverse types of outfits that
want us to put their advertising links here. I was a fool to have
added any medical ones, like to asbestosis, in the first place;
they just act as a pull magnet to all the others.

Sutton & Wawne Home Page . . press F11 to toggle
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RAF Sutton on Hull page

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M  I  L  I  T  A  R  Y     A  R  C  H  I  V  E  S
of     the    TWO    WORLD    WARS

Museum & Family History Research on Fridays in the Old School Rooms, a marvellous display of life in Sutton and Wawne in times	past .. much more to see when you visit .. Incredible list of resources. Use in	conjunction with FAMILY HISTORY button in menu ...

Museum & Family History Research on Fridays in the Old School Rooms, a marvellous display of life in Sutton and Wawne in times	past .. much more to see when you visit .. Incredible list of resources. Use in	conjunction with FAMILY HISTORY button in menu ...

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Links to other churches and cathedrals nationwide

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Most of these links are to other sites,
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Old Books and MSS

At risk of viewers thinking we may be trying to guide them away
from our own site, we post even more History Links on yet another page
to other sites of more general, but even deeper historical interest.
Some have connections to the East Riding, and some to the wider UK,
and the first ones are to FREE eBooks. I know it sounds improbable,
but they are genuinely free to use. Once there, just watch for futher links
to not-so-free products or services. Be careful where you 'click, tap, or point'.

And do 'Bookmark' us so that you can come back here and find us again.


With the internet as we know it being now some 30 years old, it stands to reason that many original links and website addresses will have changed over the years, or even no longer exist. I'm sure you've sometimes clicked a link and nothing happens, or an annoying page of adverts you didn't want pops up. It's the same with me, it happens occasionally when I check this links page that some no longer work. Sometimes, the address has changed ever so slightly, but often it's disappeared entirely. If there is a page you used to visit, that no longer exists, and desperately need to see again, all may not be lost. It may be a page you wrote, on a site that went down, and you want to recover the text. There is an excellent archive site, that continuously trawls the web and archives pages at regular intervals, say every couple of months or so.

But, before you despair and give up, try this tip : many websites still have the same address, but for one letter, an 'S' ... where the site has gone 'secure' and so adds an 's' to the http, to make it 'https'. So, just add an 's' before the double // .. hit enter, and as often as not, it may well work.

 THE WAY BACK MACHINE -  really does go 'Way Back' and can often retrieve pages we may have thought long lost. It's very good for web historians to track how a particular site has evolved over the years. If you ever had a site of your own, for more than a few months, and the server went down and you lost all your info without any backup, you may well find it is still mostly there. If you have a broken link still saved in your Favorites, then you already have the address or URL. Just copy the link, and paste it into the search box at WAY BACK MACHINE ... the older aerial views of Hull and East Riding towns shown further below is a good example. The pages are all still there, including most of the photographs, as they were when last archived in 2007, but they're just not on the original URL of . . . Paste that address into the WBM and hey presto ... all is not lost. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention, it is free. Yes, free to all comers. Once again, what a resource! And thanks to those who devised and maintain it now. The servers and hard drives must be phenomenal in size.

We hope this helps - it truly is an olympic site and archive of hundreds of thousands of names; and that includes BOTH World Wars;  ALL 4 services including the Merchant Marine, and Civilians killed in the UK, and ALL the countries of the Empire and Commonwealth.  Even if your relative was lost at sea, on a British-flagged ship, he or she will be honoured on this database. Also, if your relative was RN and on an ally's ship, eg, as a DEMS gunner an American cargo ship, they are remembered too.

RANDOM ACTS OF GENEALOGICAL KINDNESS . . . I must take an early space to promote this organisation. They are a worthy cause, and need volunteers. So perhaps if someone has helped you along the road with your genealogy, maybe you could return the favour once you are up and running and help someone else out. They are worldwide, and need people everywhere, so if you're a kind person inclined to do someone else a good turn with their research and you know things that could help them out, please do give them a visit and sign up. This was the site, back in 2003, that helped me to contact Bronwen Hughes in Sydney, Australia, when I was originally looking to find the family of the fighter pilot in our graveyard. Not only did Bronwen help, she turned out to be an unknown relative of that pilot! Another internet family history success story. Thank you, Bronwen.

CYNDI'S LIST. . . a huge site of great importance to genealogists worldwide.  Of particular use for British or Irish families searching for their families in the USA, but also links and information on many other countries worldwide.  A terrific international resource, has been serving family historians for over 25 years.  The wide range of subjects they cover that connect with family history in particular, but also history in general is nothing short of phenomenal. 

Reading This Page will inform anyone about our policy regarding adding links, what type of links we are interested in, and most firmly what type of link we have no interest in. Reading it will save them, and us, an enormous amount of time.
We do British history, nothing else.

- a list of all the names on all the plaques, from both World Wars. Also now included are the men of St Mark's and The Groves, Stoneferry and Wilmington. All names should also be able to be checked out at the CWCG site above. Additionally, as of Jan 2014, we now have a searchable database in the museum of all the WW1 dead of Sutton. Over the next 4 years, we will complete it for the former parishes of Stoneferry, Wilmington, and The Groves, which historically were all part of the wider Sutton parish, until around 1887. Folks may be surprised to know that Sutton parish extended right down to the north side of Witham.

also has a page and a Roll of Honour for their three war dead - and we show short biographies of each of those men - two of them from the same family!

THE HISTORY PIN . . . another site sent to me by a friend. This is a global community collaborating around history. Where you can submit and upload historic photos of your family and tell a little of their story. Prince William of Wales has uploaded a photo of himself and his grandmother, HM The Queen. At the time of posting this link, it boasts of over 316,000 materials and memories, sent by over 52,000 users, and growing daily. Lots of historic interest up there, so worth a good browse.

I've tried to add our little museum and family history centre to Historypin and the maps ... not sure how it all works yet, but sure our Church Street number is not 19, but it was the closest the map would allow us to get. You can see what we post up to the map here .. hopefully, we'll post some historic images soon, a small selection of what we have for viewing inside the museum on Fridays.

these four sites all take you AWAY from these Sutton pages

HULL BLITZ MAPS - maps plotting the fall of bombs - this links to a new window and a set of 16 scans of a large streetmap of Hull, dated 1945, onto which has been entered details of the fall of HE bombs and mines for the period 1940-44. The many more thousands of incendiary bombs cannot be shown, there simply were far to many to count. Each section loads separately in a new window, and was roughly A4 in size.

of Yorkshire, Northumberland & Durham
was started by an ex-Hessle Road man, from his home in Canada, along with a friend who is from the north-east, hence the appearance of those other counties too. There are an amazing number of Hull names on that list, strikingly so. For people NOT from Hull, who ever doubted how bad Hull was hit during WWII, then take a look at this. Additionally, there is also a list where the "Casualties Ordered by Date of Fatal Incident". So you can search and see all those folks killed the same day, in the same raids, or even by street. Just do a page search for your street to see if anyone was killed there. As an example, type "Mulgrave" into the search box. This link is repeated on the Church Links page also. It seemed it appropriate to mention it here also.

There is a published extract of just Hull casualties, the 1200 or so of Hull's War Dead. It is available from the East Riding Family History Society , and the HDM also published the full list as a tribute in their commemorative edition on May 7th.

WAR RECORDS of DAMAGED HULL HOUSES - a fantastic new resource made available at THE HISTORY CENTRE. They're not online, but available in the search rooms at The History Centre itself. They contain records of all the houses totally destroyed, damage to houses and what repairs were carried out, even damage to council-owned property like First Aid Posts and Police Boxes. Their casualty lists not only the dead, but those hospitalised and those with minor injuries attended to at First Aid Posts. It will grow and grow.

HULL AIR RAID WARDEN & FIRE WARDEN RECORDS - also at the HULL HISTORY CENTRE using the same link as the one above - another great new resource following a project that has taken volunteers three and a half years to complete. As with the photo archive above, these lists are not online; you need to go into the History Centre to access them, and remember to take your Reader's Ticket for access to the search room. But this link gives a good idea as to what may be found, and not just ARP records. The helpful receptionists at the desk can enter your relative's name into their computer to tell you if the name you seek is to be found. The wartime record cards will often be related to the company or premises of where the man worked, so you may find out something there that you never knew as well.

NORTH-EAST DIARY 1939 -1945 - by the late Roy Ripley & Brian Pears - another stupendous site that also documents much of the heartache that the North-East underwent during those dark years. RAF casualties and crash landings at numerous airfields, ships built on the Tyne, all sorts of incidents, some of which tie in with the civilian casualties in the list above, make this an incredible archive for those interested in the Home Front of WW2 and family historians alike. Many references to Hull and the East Riding area. What with this site, and the four above, surely enough here to keep a bored person busy all evening.

Back to the Sutton & Wawne Museum Page
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There's a group of links on a this separate page specifically to Military Archives dealing with records from both World Wars.
Some sites just list the details of archives that are available if you write or visit, mostly in London, and others are sites where some information is available on line.


do note that these links are not posted in any particular order, usually just as
I came to them; some of these near the top could be the newest.
With the closure of the PEOPLE'S MEMORIAL MUSEUM in the city centre, in their shop down Whitefriargate, we seem to have also lost about 4 great websites run by them.  Shame.

HULL FISHING HERITAGE CENTRE  ... 255 Hessle Rd, in the old bank building on Fishing Heritage Centre Hessle Rdthe southern corner of Boulevard, right opposite the Fishermens' Memorial. A terrific museum, with stunningly detailed large scale models of trawlers and equipment, as well as 80,000, yes, thousands of photos. Plus vast lists of fishermen's sea day records. Volunteers within are knowledgeable former trawlermen who will help you with the fishing trades aspect of your family history research.
Chaired by Jerry Thompson.  They can be emailed on
Free private parking at rear of the building, access on Boulevard.  Facebook.
(entrance is almost on the traffic lights, so best to come up from Witty St.)

THE HEDON MUSEUM ... situated a little hidden away at the back of the Town Hall and shops in St Augustine's Gate, this marvellous little and growing museum has artefacts from all eras of the former seaport's history. They have rotating exhibitions throughout the year, covering a wide aspect of historical and artistic subject matter as well as an excellent and growing FaceBook page. They open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10am-4pm, during the summer months through to autumn. Parking is on a nearby free car park, accessed via Iveson Close from Fletcher Gate, the main road through Hedon. But do get there early - Wednesday is also market day! The museum is tucked away on the far side of the car park; but trust me, it is worthwhile looking for this little known gem. Find the car park on Google Maps, you're nearly there, but the photo it shows is misleading ... so clicking the photo above may help as well.

SKEALS . . . "Spurn Kilnsea and Easington Area Local Studies".
A very interesting and informative local history website for those remote villages down in that distant corner of Holderness. We hope that helps folk get an insight into an area that is not only beautiful, but historically hard to research, especially for folks not local or familiar with the area. Very well worth some serious study, and the result of a great deal of hard work.

SWANLAND HERITAGE CENTRE ... a relatively new (2013) but excellent heritage facility in the ancient village of Swanland. Located in the former library (that used to be the Sir James Reckitt Institute for the village), they have a display of old photos, maps and plans detailing the history of the village and the wider surrounding areas. The photo collection is growing quickly now as more are donated. For folks with heritage or old family from the area, to new settlers to the village, the display offers a fascinating peek into past decades. Manned with volunteers, as with us at The Old School, they are totally dependant on visitors. If you, or anyone you know, has 'west of Hull' rural connections, taking in that wider area from Ferriby down on the river over to Kirkella, Anlaby and Willerby, they'll want to see this display. Of course, anyone reading this who actually lives in the area and has a penchant for history, it's almost a given that you would want to get involved .. .. wouldn't you? They also have an excellent and growing FaceBook page, also accessed from the link above.

THE MUSEUM of ENGLISH RURAL LIFE - founded by the University of Reading in 1951 to reflect and record the changing face of farming and the countryside, and this page is within the university's own website. It houses designated collections of national importance that span the full range of objects, archives, photographs, film and books. Today, it forms part of the University's Museums and Collections Service. One of it's most recent and important displays is that on the "Agricultural Glass Negatives Preservation Project", a year long project to preserve its unique collection of 130,000 glass plate negatives created by the Farmer and Stockbreeder and the Farmers Weekly magazines. The glass negatives contain all aspects of farming life and show just how much farming has changed during the last century. If your family tree is of 'farming stock', and your census research is full of 'Ag Labs' - then this site will give a flavour of life in rural England. Just one aspect of a fascinating website, and one can only imagine that the museum itself must be well worth a visit.

There are several of these local Hull sites IN RED below, that were hosted by the People's Memorial Shop that was formerly in Whitefriargate.  The website was called HULL WEBS, as per the logo below, and also hosted HEROES OF HULL, the civilian PEOPLE'S MEMORIAL itself, as well as Len Bacon's excellent book on RAF SUTTON.  All of them can still be accessed on 'The WayBack Machine', hosted in the USA.  If you've used those sites before for info, and now miss being able to access them, being patient and learning to use the WBM. is very well worth while.  Trust Me!   There's another link in this next article below.

... the actual site has closed, when the Peoples' Memorial shop in town closed.  The site was provided by HULLWEBS, who were the first sponsors of our own Sutton & Wawne museum website name, and for that we owe them our thanks. BUT IT IS STILL AVAILABLE, albeit loading slowly, on the WAYBACK MACHINE.  Of all the dates it was archived, I got the Feb 12 in 2005 to work for me, as well as all the ongoing history links.  Including a fabulous set of Hull postcards over the decades.  So if you want to give this a try, CLICK HERE NOW. This really was a terrific site charting the history of Hull through the centuries. Many, many pages, and links, and specifically, a large section on the two world wars. There is a superb chart showing the locations, times, weights of bombs, hours under alert and casualties, during the Hull Blitz. Should be an award winner, and I'm proud to give it a prominent link here. They did also invite YOU to add your story to Hull's story - though you can't now, only browse what they had posted by 2005. The more I learn about this city, the more convinced I am that it has a great story to tell. Be proud of it. Celebrate it. And don't forget to commemorate and remember those whose lives and experience IS the story and couldn't live to see it told this way.

Yet another great site, but also now closed, BUT AVAILABLE by the magical WAYBACK MACHINE.  Amazing.  CLICK HERE NOW. to load it. Yes, it takes a few more moments, it's a bit tricky to use first time, not instant ... be patient ... Additionally, there is also a more local site, commemorating the War Dead of this area generally, for Hull and the East Riding. It also opens in a new window.

A brilliantly executed website, both a memorial and research site, dedicated to the 7,500 or so men from Hull who lost their lives in WW1. Searches can be by name, regiment and service, and most incredibly, even by street. Every Hull street that lost a resident is listed, and going down the list of streets and seeing the totals for each is sobering enough in itself. The amount of information to be found on individual casualties belies the amount of research and hard work in compiling the associated databases, let alone the skill and artistic accomplishment in bringing it to the web. Thanks Paul, this has all the hallmarks of a labour of love, and I noted the dedications at the bottom of the page. I imagine, many Hull families will have conveyed their thanks to you already, and many more will do so in the fullness of time.

HULLITAGE ... Hull's HerITAGE of course!  For History AND Heritage.
A wonderful new website, created specifically to assist new arrivals to Hull, people who have come to settle and work here, from other far flung places all over the world.  Whatever your heritage or native language, this site will be of enormous help to you and your family.  We have a listing on there under their 'museums' labels, and there is a great many other listings to do with the arts and areas of local interest. 

Another great loss to the city; Museum has Closed!
And with it, it seems that HULL WEBS and RAF 17BALLOON CENTRE page has closed with it.  Hoping there are plans to ressurect the websites at least.
(AS OF FEB 2023, the RAF SUTTON pages can be accessed, via the WAYBACK MACHINE listed above.  See the link to it below.

(It was) another remarkable site, linked strongly to HEROES of HULL above, originally raising funds for the moving city centre memorial to Hull's 1,200 civilian war dead, now in position very near to the Prudential Corner site. The shop in Whitefriargate is a little treasure trove of information and artefacts of both world wars, but with special emphasis on Hull's long-neglected blitz in 1940-43. A story that has long needed telling, to our visitors and the wider nation in general, they tell and show it very well indeed, and all credit to all those involved. When it comes to family history associated with Hull's blitz, researching wardens, emergency workers, records of addresses and bomb damage, they are a very good first place to start, with more information coming in all the time.

. . . the successor to both the East and West Yorkshires, the Green Howards, and the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Their website takes you to their regimental museum pages, with a comprehensive regimental history of not just both world wars, but many other conflicts too. There are a surprising number of records you can access online, though some WW2 records pertaining to men enlisted and discharged are not yet available online. Most WW1 records are.

This site has gone AWOL again; it was very interesting; thus RAF airfields in East Yorkshire, lists of aircrews lost, army units posted locally, other village war memorials and CWGC graves around the county, and much more.
GOOD NEWS!   IT LOADS ON THE WAYBACK MACHINE, albeit slowly.   Give it a try .... took my laptop nearly 2mins.
sThis link was dated at WBM as being June29, 2022, the last time it worked properly.  It was local site run by a team of enthusiasts keen to see the part Hull and the East Riding played in both world wars more widely told. Whether the role of the Hull Pals battalions in the Great War, or Hull's untold suffering in the blitz in the second, this is a remarkable site, with a great wealth of interest to this area. It's particularly strong on other bodies and authorities as well as the regular military, so police and fire brigades, civil defence and Home Guard, and many other auxilliary units all have a place here. There's an extra-special focus on individual stories, as well as pages on each of the RAF stations across East Yorkshire. It should have grown and grown, and was well worth a visit.

HULL BLITZ MAPS - maps plotting the fall of bombs - this links to a new window and a set of 16 scans of a large streetmap of Hull, dated 1945, onto which has been entered details of the fall of HE bombs and mines for the period 1940-44. The many more thousands of incendiary bombs cannot be shown, there simply were far to many to count. Each section loads separately in a new window, and was roughly A4 in size.

as of JULY 2022. 
But as of FEB 2023, we got it back, found it on the fantastic WAYBACK MACHINE.    CLICK HERE to go there!  Yes, it's tricky to use first time, but worth it.  This excellent Website is devoted entirely to RAF Sutton, and the Balloon and Firefighting Squadrons stationed there over the years. It contains photos, station plan and a full history, indeed, the full contents of the book by the late Leonard Bacon, including a map of the RAF station. With a foreword by our own Merrill Rhodes, it is as she says, an excellent read, full of humour and pathos as well as history. Having seen this new site for myself, I am in awe at the layout and clarity, and must congratulate the people at HullWebs above, who have hosted Len's pages in such a magnificent way. A fine memorial to both RAF Sutton and Len himself. To say it comes Highly Recommended is only the half of it. Enjoy!  Also, we do have a copy of Len's book inside the museum for browsing by visitors.

THE BEVERLEY ASSOCIATION - the aeroplane - Dedicated to the men and women who served in the squadrons that operated this iconic and locally built workhorse aircraft built by Blackburns at Brough. A superb site, many photos showing operations, and stories by crews and maintenance units in the UK and abroad. Lovely selection of photographs.

EYFHS : EAST YORKSHIRE FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY - This excellent society have an extensive archive of Census data, Monumental Inscriptions, and a full programme of events, displays, talks, etc, for the year. Their magazine is "The Banyan Tree", and they have a well-stocked shop of books, lists and maps that can be ordered online. They meet once a month and have 4 meeting venues around the county, in Beverley, Bridlington, Hull and Scarborough, all with full details and map directions on their website. A thriving society that can give you lots of assistance, also with email Help Desks; you're guaranteed to make many new friends too.

SUTTON'S HISTORIC & LISTED BUILDINGS - A Fascinating Link to a Hull City Council site that lists much of interest within Sutton village; the old houses, ancient trees, monuments, etc (opens like PDF, but hosted by the City Council). Includes references to this Old School and the Reading Rooms.

EYLHS : EAST YORKSHIRE LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY - Focussed on local history in a more general sense, EYLHS are a long established society with as wide a range of history interest as could be wished for. If it's in East Yorkshire and in the past, they're on it. They have a wide range of publications, both their own publications and others, as well as many site visits a year. Their photo gallery is well worth a browse for a variety of views from all over the county.

MEAUX ABBEY ... a private link and information - a private page by Chris Coulson detailing recent research into the history of Meaux Abbey near Wawne. Local Sutton and Wawne folk will know that the ancient story of both of their villages is all wrapped up in stories of the monks of Meaux, the founding of their abbey and then their establishment of the church of St Peter in Wawne village (around 1135, so not too far back then) and from which all the area's known history has evolved. Chris posts recent photos of the site and such as remains to be seen. His site also discusses other places in Hull and the East Riding of historical interest that viewers may well find of further interest.

Facebook Page to The former Reading Rooms, dating from 1877, just along Church Street, about 300m from the Old School. I must recommend you visit this site. Especially for youngsters interested in sports, and even more especially snooker. There's 5 full-sized snooker tables, and 2 for pool. The FB page is superb, the whole place is now effectively a Community Centre, taking on a new lease of life in the past couple of years, and now can offer conference, youth, sport and training facilities on site. An incredible team of volunteers, these are folks that make things happen.
SUTTON CIVIC SOCIETY also meet within the Reading Rooms, every 3rd Wednesday, bi-monthly.

This local group does not have their own website as yet, so this page is just for basic information and local contacts.
The Society are long-time supporters of The Old School and our humble museum within. Another contact is Marlene, at the Reading Rooms listed above.

This venerable and ancient running and athletics club meet at their clubhouse on Saltshouse Road, Hull, HU8 9HF, on Tuesday evenings about 6.45pm. The Club was formed in 1893 under the name of Holderness Road Presbyterian Harriers, with their Headquarters then in the Schoolroom at the Church. Although most of that Church was pulled down in 1972, the Schoolroom still remains, today its part of the Green Man Public House on Holderness Road. Details for how to become a member are on their website.

Info on Sutton station, and a very informative site generally on disused railway stations, by Mark Dyson. Gives a good potted history with dates, maps, and links to nearby stations on the same Hull to Hornsea line, and with some nice b&w photos. Intended for Railway Enthusiasts, but also of much interest to family historians if you want to see something of the atmosphere of where your forebears lived and travelled.

- founded in 1872 and still going strong, and their centenary this year, 2022.
A very comprehensive and informative website, where their motto is "East Hull's Friendliest Cricket Club", their ground is at Netherhall, entrance off Midmere Avenue. There are pages for Senior and Junior cricket, a full history of the club, notable players and records and statistics. All in all, an excellent site. They also have pages on "X" and FaceBook.

THE COURTYARD - in Sutton Village -- for Plants, Flowers & Ornaments ...
no external web link to this excellent little business yet, but there will be once they get a website or link. Small local plant shops need all the help they can get, and this one is a real delight, situated in a little courtyard in College St, just around the corner from the church. A vast amount of floral stock, in such a tiny space. Call Jan Lockyer on 07932 944 437 for details of what's on stock now.

HULL NOSTALGIA - from The Hull Daily Mail - a local paper of nostalgia, with many articles and photos looking back at to Hull of yesteryear. It frequently carries articles dealing with the trawling and transport industries, and many local news photographs of years ago.


an updated link - 1940 added to the address. This site used to have a link to a page listing the details of Flight Lieutenant Paterson Clarence Hughes DFC, of 234 Squadron, who came from Cooma in New South Wales in Australia, and is buried in St James' churchyard, Sutton. If you explore the site, you'll also find links to several Hull and East Riding men who served and lost their lives in that battle. There's also more information about this pilot on our War Memorial page.

HOME SWEET HOME FRONT - a comprehensive site documenting life on the Home Front during WW2. Contains a good page on the Women's Land Army, telling how a force of 80,000 women by 1944 were working the land, literally, farming, forestry, every aspect of agriculture. Also contains pages on the WVS, Women's Voluntary Service, and Home Guard, LDV.

FORGOTTEN HEROES - The Wartime Memories Project
Subscription site to access their library - a remarkable website detailing the work of those who had to stay behind. Not everyone could go into the forces - age, or health, could be a factor, or even being in an already "reserved occupation", like mining. Some lads would loved to have joined up and had the chance to go overseas, with all its risks, but instead found themselves as Bevin Boys - sent down t'pit. Being over 40, and perhaps not classed as A1 fit didn't mean they couldn't "serve" - there was always firewatching. And many died doing it. Plus Ambulance Drivers, Firefighters and Firewatchers, Observer Corps, and any number of women's organisations. They all deserve our thanks too.

It's a fact that if some young folk were to go into most old folk's homes, residential homes, today, and spoke to the residents about their trades and jobs in that decade of war years, they would find nearly all were ex-servicemen and women, factory girls making parachutes or uniforms or shells or parts for tanks and lorries, miners, firewatchers (some had to do both !), and many more besides. Very few people, by 1943, got away with doing nothing to help the war effort. And those that did were ostracised by their communities and families. It was easier to do one's bit than skive off. And you kept your pride!

SUTTON TRADE NAMES IN 1892 - is a direct link to the GENUKI page that lists all the tradespeople and farmers living in Sutton in 1892 - in Bulmer's famous Gazetteer. A fascinating list.

HISTORY OF ALL HULL CHURCHES 1892 - again takes us to BULMER'S GAZETTEER, a mine of information for those seeking a brief history of all churches in the Hull area, as of around the turn of the century, 1900. The link takes you to Part 9 : Churches & Chapels and lists churches long since demolished and those destroyed by war, including details of St Mark's in the Groves, St Saviour's and St Peter's, Drypool, all areas of which were in the original St James' parish back in antiquity. Yes, Drypool was in Sutton parish until Stuart times, just before the Restoration of Charles I.

FAMILY HISTORY & GENEALOGY, YORKSHIRE - particularly for those researching Yorkshire families, there is a phenomenal amount of information on this Yorkshire page of the GENUKI WEBSITE ; (it means GENealogyUK&Ireland). The page specific to Sutton is: SUTTON at GENUKI . There's so much it's just mind-blowing, and this web thing has only just got started! You can use this site also as a springboard back to any UK county you want; just follow the links. Another site to keep you up all night ! Your "Other Half" will not thank me for putting you on to all this.

WAWNE - a Photo Site - several pages of old photos going back decades, with contributions by villagers; includes a set on Wawne Ferry, as well as some more modern ones in colour.

CHURCHES - UK & IRELAND  - a lovely site, covering just about all counties as far as I could tell, and on which there's a lovely picture of St Peter's in Wawne. They aim to cover as many churches as they can, but when we remember there are already over 9,000 churches covered on this site, each with a photograph, and an estimated 40,000 or so churches in the whole of the UK, it is a massive task. One area in which Sutton residents may help is to identify the many 'unknown churches' from old photographs and paintings. An intriguing collection, and I know some of you will have the answers - do visit this very worthwhile site.

A YORKSHIRE SURNAMES LIST - Established 18th February 2002 by Magdalena Gorrell Guimaraens, this is a huge list of some 24,000 names already being researched. Formerly hosted on Geocities, but now here on GENUKI. You can email them to add your name - it is worth remembering here that, within the GENUKI webpages above, most counties have someone who co-ordinates a "Surnames List" - some county lists are huge, others not so big. Most invite you to submit the name of the person you are looking for, the town/village, and approximate date, and your email/postal address - eg. Brown - Hessle - 1840's-1900 - It's worth a try if you've searched and searched and drawn stumps.

UK PARISH LOCATOR - Please note the change of URL to access this delightful programme! It used to be on This truly is a stunning little UK-wide programme, and I do wish I'd discovered it before. BACK ONLINE, though we still have it to download it onto your own machine if you call in to get a copy is from us at the museum. Bring a stick and ask for it, and we'll copy it onto your stick for you and show you how it works. It's especially useful for finding parishes, and their proximity to each other, in counties other than your own. We mostly know our own counties well, and Hull and ER folk wouldn't need a locator to find even lesser known parishes around our own. But what happens when you find relatives in Cornwall, Herefordshire or Durham, or you're not even from Britain and have never been here. Unless you happen to know other counties very well too, you'll spend hours seeing unfamiliar parish names in lists before some of them will start to make sense and you realise that seemingly unrelated place names are but a mile or two apart, and often the next village just up the lane. This programme is free (it is Freeware, no subs req, doesn't come with popups or bugs ) is superb, gives a list of parishes within a set distance of the one you've found, calculates distances, tells you which compass direction, plus a map reference that can load a Streetmap showing where it is. Very useful for anyone abroad with UK links but haven't the faintest idea of where's where without actually coming here. And a must if you are actually planning to visit a lot of parishes. A brilliant time-saver for visitors. Enjoy.

ANCESTRY IRELAND - the Ulster Historical Foundation, a huge genealogical resource, is a long-established, highly reputable research and publishing agency. It offers extensive knowledge on the sources available for tracing Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors.

PICTURES OF ENGLAND - a superb site of hundreds if not thousands of photos covering all counties and most towns in England. Even if you're familiar with a particular town or area, you'll still see views that will surprise you. And for those of you who would like to visit England but can't, and wonder what your family heritage town or village looked like - enjoy!

BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS ONLINE  - a private database website, being an online database of buildings and structures that are listed as being of special architectural and historic interest. As well as reading the official listing data for each building, you can also view the location on a map, and, where possible, see it in Google Streetview and Bing Birds Eye View. You can also add your own comments, information and photos and view comments and photos submitted by other users of the site. Our Old School is on there, with our full technical details too. You can browse for listed buildings by country, county and parish or locality. A wonderful online resource, and should be better known and supported.

GEOGRAPH ORG UK - This has grown remarkably in the past couple of years, a site similar to the one above, but run by the Ordnance Survey - a brilliant resource of photos of just about every map grid square in the country! Dozens of photos of all towns - lots of both Hull and East Yorkshire - there's even some of Sutton! There are hundreds and hundreds of modern quality photos of Hull alone, with stupendous collections by names such as Peter Church, Andy Beecroft and David Wright. And that's not to decry the many other contributors that I haven't named. This is the one we've been waiting for - it's still free AND there's no advertising.

GRAVESTONE PHOTOGRAPH RESOURCE - a fantastic idea, a free resource that is voluntary funded. Run from their home site in Suffolk, the first few dozen graveyards to be indexed are in Norfolk & Suffolk. But the intention is to go Nationwide - dependent upon volunteers with digital cameras and the time and motivation to photograph the headstones in their county's graveyards. Can you help ? It's worth a look. And if you do order a picture, remember the time and petrol you've saved by not having to go yourself, send them a few bob.

OULTWOOD  - is a Local Government Web Site Index. And not just for the whole of the UK either. Most of Europe, North America and Australasia seem to be covered - EVERY council and local authority, right down to the council tax rates and council minutes ! The point is, within each council area's own website are lots of other links useful to Family Historians - links to local history projects, family history societies, addresses and phone numbers of Records Offices, and a host more. A very useful first-step resource that should be better known, and saves the likes of us hours of searching in Search Engines. Click your county, then your local authority, and in seconds you're looking at resources and further links that you might not be able to get to without having to take a week's holiday.

THE TRAINLINE   - a recent addition in 2024, being as we encourage folks to visit Hull and East Yorkshire from all over the world, this may help visitors. 
This site has everything a visitor could need in booking tickets, choosing best routes and finding best ticket prices and we've agreed to list it as a visitor aid.  We don't usually list fully commercial websites not dealing with history ... but, they help to bring folks to the history.  They cover inter-city coach tickets too, and your webmanager used to do a bit of that years ago, so here goes ... ... again, loads in a new browser window.

These three weblinks below are to the famous
Family History Research site,
Please be clear, subscriptions to are NOT FREE,
as are most other links on these pages we show you.
It is charged for, by credit card only, and neither is it cheap.
I pay about £120 per year for my subscription, which is a 'middle rate';
it's not the cheapest, but neither is it the dearest, which is the one that
gives overseas shipping and emigration lists I have no need for.

I would ALWAYS recommend that genuine family historians should gain as much info as they can from free resources, like FreeBMD, YorkshireBMD, even the IGI run by the Mormon Church. Once you have found as much as you can, and then want to take it further, then a paid subscription may be the next course. have asked for these links to be included, and I concede because they are Family History, and I use them myself, and like it. I do not use any other subscription site, so I'm in no position to advise or recommend on others. Those that want to use FindMyPast will have to source that for themselves, and that is not free either, though I understand a little cheaper. So I add these links with strong caveats; These links below will offer a little info for free , but not much. Be clear, they are designed to lead you in to offer you a paid-for subscription.

If you do decide to go for, please be aware it is an American site, and as is the case with most things re American business, money is key, everything. Americans invented the expression, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Just remember that, and you won't go far wrong. Know what you are dealing with. I'm still in two minds as to whether I should have included these or not. It's not as if they need advertising here, with all their TV coverage. But if they help you, then good. Be aware that even sending for birth, marriage and death certificates in the UK should not cost you more than £12 ... yes, some sites will do it for you, for about £24 or more. There are a lot of charlatans out there. Profits are there to be made, and the gullible will always pay much more than they need to.

The Deep, Hull - go there !
The Deep, Hull - click for full size.
( photo credit : Joan E Stevens of Leicester )

There's also a small amount of space here
for more Sutton links ;
suggest some, Scouts, Guides, perhaps,
local societies, clubs, etc.
In the meantime, here's a mixed bag of a few
more local links in and around Hull,
that may be of interest to a few of you.


NORTH YORKSHIRE MOORS ASSOCIATION (NYMA) - an update to previous linke, run by a hill walker who took his digital camera everywhere, but is now unavailable. This replaces it. The old URL may well load on the WAYBACKMACHINE.

VIRTUAL TOURIST - the page for YORK - another replacement for what was a superb site. Mostly aimed at tourism abroad, but we found this link just to York. Ah well.  If anyone knows other links within this site to other parts of Yorkshire, we'd be pleased to hear about them.

THE VILLAGE PANTRY ... another local business closure.  Was further along Church St, past The Duke, for a superb little teashop that also did hearty breakfasts, and catering for all small occasions. Our museum had a 'gathering' in there for all our volunteer staff, seated 21 for a slap up tea, and it was superb. It was highly Recommended.

GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL - links to a full history, with many old images and modern photos of the legendary Reckitt's Garden Village in East Hull. Shelagh and Walter's site tells the whole story from the original concept of a village for his workers by Sir James Reckitt, through to the post-war years of the Bradford Trust and modern times. A superb site, with more history than you could ever have thought existed. A lovely pic of Reckitt's Village Hall that the Luftwaffe destroyed in 1941 is in there somewhere.

BROOKLANDS PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB - (formerly Reckitt's) - have their meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7-30pm in the Methodist Church Hall in Sutton. The club was re-founded in April 2005, current membership totals about 40. New Members most welcome onto the waiting list. A few preliminary photos of local Hull & East Riding scenes now in their Galleries 1&3.

DOVE HOUSE HOSPICE - a truly wonderful place. They're always on the lookout for good volunteers - drivers, admin staff, flower arrangers. Yes, even flower arrangers. Whenever I've been in, the place is always full of flowers. Someone has to arrange them all. Visit their site and see what's what.

HULL ROYAL INFIRMARY - aka HRI - AND - CASTLE HILL HOSPITAL - a couple of First Class links to our famous hospitals - the HRI link also links in to Sutton's own adopted hospital, the Princess Royal just along Salthouse Road. So many local people have either been deeply involved in raising monies for various appeals over the years, or had their very lives saved and made worth living, that any page worth its salt has to praise its local medics and nurses. Not to be missed.

THE INSTITUTE of ADVANCED MOTORISTS to gain A SKILL FOR LIFE - So you think you know all about driving? It's no accident that I've posted this link here, straight after the one to the Royal Infirmary. Being an Advanced Motorist is about staying alive - arriving safely - increasing your awareness and doing everything in your power to keep your family safe, and staying away from A&E and the Infirmary. But of course, you know this. But what about your offspring, and grandchildren. What's their driving like? Do they worry you? Maybe one or two of you may be curious enough to explore this link and take the first steps to perhaps save a life - starting with your own younger family members, perhaps even your own life. Passing the qualification also lowers their insurance, gets cheaper breakdown cover and other benefits. If this is something you've already been thinking about, there's never been a better time One thing's for sure ... it's certainly not a waste of time. Even if you do not pass to get the certificate, you will have learnt a hell of a lot.  Still worth the money.
Oh, and yes, they do motorcycling courses and qualifications too. Priceless.

HULL TRAWLERS - links to photos. A forum for members to ask others questions on items of research, where you can find onward links to deeper detail.
If you want to go quickly just to the ARCTIC CORSAIR, click HERE to go to STAND. Enjoy! You'll be there quite a while.

QUAYSIDES - a photo gallery of a lot more ships, most with local Humber connections or interest. Links to ABP, daily sailings and sighting reports of vessels seen on the Humber, etc. Interestingly also includes links and photos to Hull's adopted warships, GALATEA and IRON DUKE. Also links to the World Ship Society.

HUMBER CARS - this old website itself has now closed, but the old pages of this EXCELLENT LOCAL MUSEUM can be brought to you via the services of the WAYBACK MACHINE, seen on earlier links on this page. - This was a case in point back then of a local authority either not knowing some of their own history, or else choosing to ignore it. You'd think Hull City Council would want to make more of this, but there we are. It's not generally known in Hull, but the founder of HUMBER CARS actually lived in the town for a time, back in Queen Victoria's time.
Thomas Humber was born in Sheffield, but when his family moved to Hull for business reasons, Thomas attended a school in Salthouse Lane near the present Drypool Bridge for about 5 years. Thomas later started his cycle manufacturing business and moved to Nottingham, where he sold the business and site to Raleigh.
He then moved to Coventry, and that's where the manufacture of Humber Cars really began. So this link once took you to what should be held up as one of Hull's gems, the largest working collection of these superb cars anywhere in the world. So where is (WAS) it - ? Yes, it's in Hull, just down Stoneferry. But not for much longer. The collection was up for sale at last hearing. At least 18 fully working Humbers, from several examples of the Pullman, down through the Snipe series to the Imperial. Remember the days of bench seats in real leather, column change and semaphore arms, doors that opened forward and a rear cabin that you could walk into and turn round.
You used to be able to drop by Reg and Alan Marshall's collection, and spend a memorable couple of hours viewing this fabulous collection. It was a wedding business too.  If you were getting married locally, these were the ONLY cars to be seen climbing out of ! And just for once, we had something the south did NOT have, for Londoners have to make do with mere Rollers and Bentleys - but I assure you, these Humbers are in a class of their own.
That's why, up to the 1950's, they were the favoured marque of car of the Royal Family. This collection can show three examples owned by royals, including the Queen Mother and late King, and his erstwhile brother when he was Prince of Wales.

OLD CLASSIC CARS - Driven by Classics - quoted from their Home Page : "Vintage, Classic & Antique Cars - Are YOU an enthusiast or owner of a Classic Car ? If so, I hope you enjoy perusing this web site aimed at motorcar fans everywhere! The aim of is to explain in some detail the pros and cons of running a vintage or classic car on a regular basis. What do I look for when buying? How do I spot the hidden rot? Who does drive old cars now and why? Why should I consider a classic car? When is it best for me to buy or sell a classic motor?"
Lots of motoring nostalgia here, including the old British road signs, old maps, etc. Takes you back years and years !

SPURN POINT: A cyclic coastal landform - another fascinating site; it explains how Spurn was formed, is changing, and may not be there much longer ! See why your grandchildren may not be able to enjoy the Spurn you knew. There's links to RSPB, nature watching, and the Humber Coastguard, the RNLI lifeboat station and crews, and Humber Pilots. Even a list of dates of Humber Lifeboat callouts, as well as links to other RNLI information. Lovely. This is the address of the original site that was linked here. It still works in the WAY BACK MACHINE listed above.

The "RMS QUEEN MARY" - never mind the new Queen Mary 2 - that's just an overblown ferry, no style and all publicity. Does anyone have any interest in the OLD Cunarder, former Blue Riband holder and three-funnelled Queen of the Atlantic in her own right ?
If so, there is an excellent QM Website dealing with her time as a troopship. Some very interesting facts and figures here. Plus a Discussion Group is available;
new members welcome. It's had 103,000 visitors so far ; See what is being done to restore the Queen Mary to her former glory, of how she might be brought back to more closely resemble her original splendour for business, educational and cultural use in Long Beach. Considering the ill-conceived conversion, this is a major challenge.
I'll say! This site will keep you occupied for a few minutes.

HULL DAILY MAIL - the website of this ever-popular regional evening paper. Loads of links to everything of local interest. Even a daily record of all 'Family Announcements', births, marriages and deaths, etc. There's no archive though, so you have to catch the announcements on the actual day of publication in the HDM.

STAGECOACH (Hull) CAMERA CLUB - an excellent Camera & Photographic club, with this first-rate site. It's site is maintained by Keith Bilton, who posts up monthly competition entries and winners. There are often local views of Hull and the East Riding to be seen here not found elsewhere. A high standard of photography here, and well worth a visit.

service 64 in Ferensway PBase - PHOTOS OF OLD HULL - another photo archive of old Hull and environs. They're coming thick and fast now - other photos in this database are more modern, around East Yorkshire and York, but sadly, this link is not a direct one. But experienced Webbers will get in by following this routine; Click the link above to go to the site, where there are several photo galleries, then click on a 'Password Protected' logo, Family2 . It's well down the page, and enter, or carefully copy & paste this password - sw1980r - to access it - just 7 characters, so make sure you don't copy the space after the 'r'. Give it a few seconds, and up will pop something like 240 thumbnails. There have been copyright issues, hence the convoluted way to access them, but this section of the site is what can only be described as a superlative postcard collection. Trust me, it's worth the trouble to access it. Who recalls the old clock in the round window above the shop on the corner of Paragon Square? If you knew Hull well, allow yourself a good half hour.

MKH 81 stops in Beverley Market Place en route to Hessle EYMS vehicle site - another site that has demised and sold to advertisers .. so for now, try this one. This is the best link to EYMS I can give. Apart from the interest in the old buses themselves, the streetscenes in many old photos are superb. Shops and businesses long since passed into history, the fashions and attire of folks in the photos, the destinations on the buses, even the route numbers - all nostalgia for the right generation.

KVK 967 turns into Paragon Street down the side of the City
													Hall KHCT vehicles - likewise for KHCT, the most useful site now gone the same way as above, the same Flikrhinvemind site and was also the source as the EYMS pages above.  Good pics here, but you have to search for them harder. Similarly, lots of street scenes, shop fronts, roads and city centre scenes now altered beyond belief, plus memories of the old Coach Station of late memory, as it was called in it's heyday when that EYMS coach depicted above used to leave daily for Newcastle and Tyneside -

Hull FC - no introduction needed for the Official Hull FC site, one of two homes in Hull for Rugby League. The home of Old Faithful -

Hull City AFC - the official site for Hull's premier soccer club, the new stadium, memories of Boothferry Park, et al. Lots of football information.

HULL FAIR - this page used to be brilliant for Hull Fair devotees, but I've now disabled this link. Because this now serves as a warning to how the internet can be 'stolen from us' by other countries with bad intentions. It now leads to a Chinese gambling site, and just clicking on it as I just did when checking links, means they drop cookies straight into your computer in milliseconds.  I was only in there for 3 seconds, but I bet they already know my name and what I have for breakfast. Nothing short of a scandalous scam that a Chinese gambler can register a site in the name of Hull Fair. How can any foreign company steal a name to a British cultural tradition? Only demostrates some of the low life we share this planet with. I suspect there are many others, beware!

HULL KINGSTON ROVERS official site - aka The Robins - the second of two homes in Hull to Rugby League, depending on which side of the river you're on. For those in East Hull, this IS the premier site. All the same, for political correctness gone mad on THIS site, best kept apart. And long may the rivalry, friendliness and good-humoured banter continue.

THE CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU - now have an excellent Website and should be consulted on all manner of legal questions in the first instance. Before you lay out expensive charges for a solicitor, check this site out. You may well get your questions answered here - or at least pointed in the right direction.

DISCOVER FINZI or MUSIC-WEB INTERNATIONAL - FINZI - are links to the English composer, Gerald Finzi, born in 1901. A much under-rated Englishman, who sadly died at a tragically early age, just 56 years ago in 1956. If you like Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, etc, you'll like this man's music. He knew, was friends with and was inspired by all their music. One of the midi-music sequences to be found on this website is Finzi's "Eclogue", all that remained of a piano concerto. The concerto has been reconstructed from other pieces he left, and this lovely piece would have been the slow movement. Or try his "Cello Concerto" for 40 minutes of sheer delight - or his "Dies Natalis" (Day of Birth), a baby's-eye view of the new world he's born into, in settings of poems by Thomas Traherne. Unbelievably lovely! English to the core! He was taken from us far too early. Another worthy Finzi site, THE GERALD FINZI TRUST , was run by Hyperion Records, and for a long while, this was the only site with a decent amount of information, record lists, etc. It is now on the same link as the one above. We have Hyperion to thank for being a sort of custodian of Finzi's memory until his recent rise in polularity, for holding the fort as we might say. If you have recently 'got into classical music', and particularly enjoy the English music that celebrates our native language and shores, this is most certainly a country lane to go down. There is so much of his music available as sound samples to be found on the web for free that you can try it first before you spend anything, but I'll guarantee you'll be searching the record stores for the full pieces before much more time has passed.

THE INTERNET BANDSMAN'S EVERYTHING WITHIN - or the IBEW - is a wonderful bandsman's resource, bands worldwide, competitions, history of hundreds of brass bands, let alone a photographic archive to die for. The Internet Bandsman's Everything Within is as comprehensive a set of brass band links and related information as it could possibly be. I'm astounded what's in there - if I can find an old 1930's photo of a band my grandad was in, in a small Leicestershire mining village, you can find 'owt ! Brilliant! It's been around since 1996, when it started out as a website for the Harrogate band. Now it's all things to all bandsmen!

MORRIS DANCING - is enjoying something of a renaissance in England right now, and rightly so. These are the real roots of our folk and dance culture. See this site for information on how to learn - or simply where to watch. Some like to go for the beer - others enjoy the dancing! This page lists links to many clubs around Britain and the world.

FUCHSIAS - a link to advice and tips on growing and caring for fuchsias (not a commercial link to a garden centre or business). This is a suggested site for those already hooked, and those who think they may be tempted to get hooked. Give it a whirl and see what you think. Tips here particularly for urban gardeners, city folk, and for growing fuchsias in small spaces.

VINE WEEVILS - if you grow fuchsias, you'll certainly not want vine weevils, described by some as about the baddest of all the bad bugs you could possibly get in a garden. Do you have them? Would you recognise one, or it's grub nestled deep down in the compost? Do you know what you're in for if you advertantly bring some home in an infected pot? Do you know how to get shut of them? If not, read this discourse, and learn. I wish I had read something of this order when I had the chance. Not doing so has cost me a small fortune. A knowledgeable friend on hand on the night we inadvertantly brought some weevils home in a new potted plant would have saved us a small fortune, as well as a lot of heartache. I am an experienced fighter of these little critters now, I do battle with them on almost a daily basis.  Take my tip, don't get any!

World Directory of Towns and Cities - lists over 2 million places - gives Lat and Long, height above sea level, with further links to weather forecasts, and a mass of other information.

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND for old Maps of England ?
Yes, it's true.  And they're free, and very good.  A site worth getting to learn how to use, and I haven't discovered half of it yet.  For maps of old Hull, and East Yorkshire, very well worth the searching for historians.

GOAD MAPS ... very detailed town maps, made by Charles Goad, of Toronto, of most large English towns. Made for business insurance purposes, late Victorian, turn of the 20th century.  Detail includes types of roof materials, dividing walls, showing old mills and factories and potential fire hazards!  But for family historians, this can be gold dust.  House numbers, outbuildings, and the larger premises, mills, foundries, also a business name of owner at that time.  They can also be seen in print in the Hull History Centre

BING MAPS for ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS ... most folks don't know that good OS maps can be viewed online for free, and very detailed ones too, at Bing Maps. Not quite Land Ranger, the expensive ones in bookshops, but detailed enough for many purposes. We're talking of maps of rural areas showing field boundaries, property and garden boundaries, individual houses, etc.  On first loading, you only see the basic Bing Maps.  But on the right hand side, there's a pull-down menu of several different types of maps, one of the OS.  On loading, scroll in (definitely better with a mouse and roller wheel, or at least a touchpad) and scroll in again, as much as you need to for the detailed maps to pop up.
OLD MAPS, NOW GONE OFFLINE .... it had maps back to 1846-1950s - used to bring up a Counties Gazetteer; select your county, then select your village or town for more incredible history. Sad to lose it.  Best use the National Library of Scotland - of all places! - now for free maps all over England.

Hull Blitz - maps plotting the fall of bombs - this links to a new window and a set of 16 scans of a large streetmap of Hull, dated 1945, onto which has been entered details of all falls of bombs for the period 1940-44. Each section loads separately in a new window, and was roughly A4 in size.

Modern aerial views of Hull - the actual web page is now defunct, but can still be viewed as it was back in 2007 on the most excellent WAY BACK MACHINE , a massive web archive on which most past web pages can be found. Here we have a selection of about a dozen views from around 2,000 feet. Most of the city can be seen on the various shots. Also many views of both East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, and the general Humberside area - and I use that name in the geographical context as it used to be before the name was defiled in the 1974 so-called reforms. Just as we would still talk about Thameside, or Severnside - and nothing to do with politics.

* * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * *

Not that we're in a hurry to drive folks away from our own Sutton, but we thought there may be some interest in exploring some of the very many other places around the world that share our name.
Most have other origins, though most also have in common something to do with being 'south of somewhere'.  In our case, it was simply being the site of a 'South Farm', or homestead, also called a 'tun' in Scandanavian languages .... Viking?  Of course, local folk will know of other complications, like the nearby river, and our remote and anciently bleak area of Holderness.  It all plays a part.
To explore a few others ....
back to Home Page

* * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * *

Despite the notice at the head of this page, showing that we do not add links to medical services or any sort of commercial advertising, I have added this one on request. It is specifically aimed at families of former service personnel who have serious health issues on leaving their service.

It is also repeated at the bottom of the MILITARY PAGE.

This link below is not specifically a HISTORY LINK, but it well may help families of  former service personnel suffering with 'serious issues' that only too often aflict them after leaving their service. It provides quick links for help with drug and alcohol addiction rehab services in Yorkshire and near Yorkshire. We can only hope it helps those that need help to find it and to resolve serious issues with their health.  
Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Yorkshire and Near Yorkshire

Back to the Sutton & Wawne Museum Page
back to Home Page

Does anyone around these parts have any interest in ships ?
See what's in Hull. Where it came from.
See what's in Valetta's Grand Harbour, or Hong Kong. Even Goole.
Click the map, use the wheel to zoom in or out, drag to move around the world.
Click a ship, and see a photo of it.
There's amazing detail within.
[ed: try as I might, I can't get this to zoom in on loading and centre
on the Humber, so just drag this map so you centre it
 the North Sea and go from there.]

but it is better to see the

Click this box to go
a lot of links of
M  I  L  I  T  A  R  Y     A  R  C  H  I  V  E  S
of     the    TWO    WORLD    WARS

Home Page .. for the Sutton & Wawne Family History Centre, near Kingston upon Hull ... press F11 to toggle Full Screen

Museum & Family History Research on Fridays in the Old School Rooms, a
																					marvellous display of life in Sutton and Wawne in times past .. much more to see when you visit .. Incredible list of resources. Use in conjunction with																					FAMILY HISTORY button in menu ... : : : : : : : RAF Sutton on Hull page : : : : : : : back to Home Page

Top of Page

* * * * * *